STRIKE (Alberta Press) * It's assumed that society in general would respond with utter difference if contemporary artists were to go on strike. The hands-on curator Gavin Wade posed the difficult question "How does/could/ ... |
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| area Das Buch liefert einen ausgedehnten Überblick über aktuelle internationale Gebrauchsgraphik sämtlicher Bereiche vom Plakatentwurf, über Broschüren, Verpackungen, Corporate Design und Informat ... |
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| ISHIZAKI, SUGURU.: Improvisational Design Traditional visual design expresses information in fixed forms, such as print or film, so the message can be stored or distributed. With interactive media and continuously updated information, com ... |
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WOLLNER, ALEXANDRE.: Wollner: Visual Design - 50 Years. |
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| PIGEAT, JEAN-PAUL.: Pigeat: Gardens of the World This text sets out to examine the enduring styles and trends in garden design over the past 2000 years. Pigeat juxtaposes traditional and contemporary garden designs, exploring them by theme as ex ... |
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| Bock: Koppel * Wie auch in seinen Auftritten lotet John Bock in diesem von ihm gestalteten Buch die Grenzen zwischen Kunst, Leben und Entertainment aus. Photos, Skizzen, Collagen und Texte dokumentieren die ca. ... |
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KRESS, ELSE & HEINZ.: Kress: Inro shita-e |
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| DEHIO, GEORG.: Dehio: Sachsen-Anhalt I: Magdeburg |
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| AUTOPIA. "Autopia" is the first book to consider the culture of the automobile in the widest possible sense, covering themes such as cars and architecture, advertising, art, cities, design, driving, sexual ... |
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Poster Collection 05: Typotektur |
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| LOEWY, RAYMOND.: Loewy: Well Enough "An autobiography by one of the leading industrial designers in this country... The book is instructive, brash, cocksure, occasionally funny, sometimes vulgar, and always honest." The New Yorker |
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| JACOBSEN, ARNE.: Jacobsen: How to Be Modern |
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Alvar Aalto Designer This book is the first comprehensive illustrated book on the designs of Alvar Aalto. Articles written by experts shed new light on many aspects of Aalto's wide-ranging scope as a designer of furni ... |
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| VREELAND, DIANA.: VREELAND: Allure Seit 15 Jahren vergriffen, erscheint das legendäre Buch zur Modefotografie in einer unveränderten Neuauflage! |
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| Creations Eine kritisch wertende Bestandsaufnahme der zeitgenössischen Künste in Frankreich mit den Rubriken Architektur, Bildende Kunst, Design, Graphik, Skulptur, Fotografie, Video, Tanz, Literatur, The ... |
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Dewiel, Lydia: Schnellkurs Jugendstil |
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| T'HOOFT, PATRICK & ANN HUYBENS: The Flemish Primitives 1 |
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| FABRIC OF VISION "Draperie" als Thema der großen Ausstellung in der Londoner Nationalgalerie. Der luxuriös ausgestattete Katalog zeigt Beispiele aus sechs Jahrhunderten von van der Weyden, Tintoretto, van Dyck u ... |
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| HAMMERBACHER, VALERIE & DOROTH: Hammerbacher: Weißenhofsiedlung |
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| MUTHESIUS, HERMANN.: Muthesius: Sofakissen bis Städtebau |
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Weihsmann, Helmut: Das Rote Wien Der ausführlichste Teil dses Buches ist den nach Bezirken gegliederten 23 Rundgängen gewidmet. Darin werden an die 500 Bauten mit Angaben zu Anschrift und Baujahr beschrieben, mit Fotos oder Kar ... |
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| Alexandre Herchcovitch A monograph on the Brazilian stylist who appeared in the 1990's, and today is part of the fashion seasons in Paris, London, New York and Tokyo. Luxurious, excessive and impacting, the book makes a ... |
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| PETTERSSON, RUNE.: Pettersson: Information Design Includes chapters explaining verbo-visual communication, Information and message design principles, design processes and design tools. Presents practical guidelines for the use of text, symbols, v ... |
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Graven Images Glasgow-based designers Graven Images boast skills in both graphic design and interior architecture. The team's exhibition designs - as well as their office, restaurant, and club interiors - featu ... |
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| RENGER, KONRAD & CLAUDIA DENK.: Flämische Malerei des Barock Dieser opulent ausgestattete Band mit zahlreichen Farbtafeln und ganzseitigen farbigen Details zu jedem der über 170 Gemälde - darunter Werke von Rubens, van Dyck, Jordaens, Teniers, Brouwer und ... |
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| TROY, NANCY J.: Troy. Couture Culture A catalogue of the multiple connections between art and haute couture, in particular the activities of Paul Poiret, focusing on the tension between originality and reproduction in fashion, theatre ... |
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