Bertoni, Franco: Bertoni: Minimalist Design. Engl. Ausgabe |
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| Trasko, Mary;: Trasko: Heavenly Soles Despite the inevitable decline in craftsmanship and the general trend towards practicality, this book shows that extravagant fancy has continued to thrive in the work of such wildly imaginative 20 ... |
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| EAMES, CHARLES & RAY.: Eames: 901 (Video 1136) 901 Washington Boulevard in Venice, Kalifornien, war für 45 Jahre die Adresse des Designbüros von Charles and Ray Eames. |
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Kunstliteratur der italienischen Renaiss |
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| Personal Touch. Illustrated in large color plates, with close-up insets of maker's marks, this catalog depicts 191 pieces from the Seawolf Collection of rare and beautiful Arts and Crafts, Art Nouveau, and Art De ... |
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| Hazelmyer, Tom: Scorched Art: The Incendiary Aesthetic of Flame Rite Zippos |
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Tuscany Artists Homes Tuscany, Artists, Homes presents the interiors of twenty homes owned by the most renowned contemporary artists living in Tuscany today, including Joseph Kosuth, Daniel Spoerri, Sandra Chia, Isanna ... |
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| Arts in the 20's: Architecture and Decorative Arts in Europe. Appeals to collectors in a broad range of disciplines and specializations: architecture, design, furniture, metalwork, jewelery, ceramics, glass, lace, embroidery, and antiques. An exquisite, heav ... |
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| Cybercafes Focusing on aesthetically engineered cybercafe establishments, this interior design book presents 30 case studies of notable cafes, including the mobile, modular KH-2 in Tokyo; McDonald's flagship ... |
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Knauer, Roland: Transformation, Engl. ed. Cylinders, surfaces, bodies and spaces are the four basic elements which constitute the design process: each design, however complex, can be created by transforming them. This text gathers togethe ... |
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| Montes, Christina: Offices for Small Spaces |
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| Films of Charles & Ray Eames - 6 vols. |
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Woodward, Sophie: Why Women Wear What They Wear Each morning we establish an image and an identy for ourselves through the simple act of getting dressed. This book presents an intimate ethnography of clothing choice. |
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| | Lovatt-Smith, Lisa: Paris Interiors. 25 Jahre Taschen. |
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| The Museum of Modern Art Design Encyclopedia |
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| Dorrian, Michael;Farrelly, Liz: Onehundred at 360 Degrees: Graphic Design's New Global Generation Thanks to affordable technology and up-for-it, media-savvy clients, a huge number of designers set themselves up in their own studios, straight from college. The kind of work that results is often ... |
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Talking Eyeglasses Seriously. Art, History, Science and Technologies of the ... Divided in two parts, this book is entirely devoted to the eyeglasses: history of glasses, memory and future of vision - the eyeglass in the arts - the main ideas of this exhibition consist in tak ... |
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| Karim Rashid - I Want to Change World Designer Karim Rashid here hosts an overview of his career in a laminated-cover monograph of his organic, fluidly shaped furniture, fixtures, tableware, personal products, and graphic designs. The ... |
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| Selander, Malin: Swedish Swatches This book has many excellent pattern ideas for weaving fabric into everything from tablecloths to clothing. |
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Blackley: Blackley: Wallpaper The revival of ornament has seen a resurgence of interest in wallpaper design. Wallpaper is back, but this time it is different. No longer used 360 degrees to cover cracks and imperfections in cru ... |
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| Black, Alexandra & Simon McBri: Black: Tuscan Elements. The design of the Tuscan House has remained virtually unchanged since the Middle Ages, when landowners in the golden hills of Tuscany built country retreats with gardens, porticoes and loggias, dr ... |
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| Yves Klein: Wien 2007 Der vorliegende Katalog - erschienen anläßlich der Ausstellung "Die blaue Revolution" - illustriert die Vielschichtigekit und Komplexität von Yves Kleins Oeuvre und spiegelt als reich bebildert ... |
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Lure of Gold. An Artistic and Cultural History. Humankind has long treasured gold for the beauty of its radiance and associated it with divinity, thanks to gold's immunity from corrosion and seeming immortality. As geoscientist and archaeologis ... |
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| Korero Books: Protest T-Shirts: Designs from the New Resistance Presents a collection of provocative T-Shirt designs worn by young activists to highlight their causes and beliefs. This title includes limited edition T-shirt designs from well known artists and ... |
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| IdN Pro Fusion, incl. Vinyl Toys figure When simple joy and appreciation come together, the result is an inspired form of "Fusion." No matter whether you consider yourself a kid or kidult, whether you interpret these figurative graphics ... |
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Guetta, Marc; Guetta, Patrick;: Vintage T-Shirts Ausgewählt aus der Sammlung von Patrick und Marc Guetta, den Inhabern von World of Vintage T-Shirts auf der Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, präsentiert dieses Buch über 650 wahre Klassiker des G ... |
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| | Mega Toys (M) Megatoys ist eine Sammlung von "Spielzeugen", die Erwachsenen Vergnügen bereiten soll: Sie bringen Farbe in unseren Alltag, dank ihnen fühlen wir uns einzigartig. Es sind individuelle, kleine Sc ... |
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