Kenna: Trees Michael Kenna travels the world, from France to New Zealand, through the United States and South Korea, to immortalize trees and forests. |
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| Leutwyler: Misty Copeland Henry Leutwyler is certainly no stranger to the art of ballet--for many years he photographed on stage and behind the scenes at the New York City Ballet, culminating in his book Ballet, since publ ... |
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| Gaisbacher: My Dreamhouse is not a House Gaisbacher's work 'My Dreamhouse is not a House' deals with two very early examples of participatory social housing from the 1970s in Austria by architect Eilfried Huth. |
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Carpenter, Tim: To Photograph Is to Learn How to Die A book-length essay about photography's unique ability to ease the ache of human mortality. |
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| Freitag, René: Photo Location Guide Ruhrgebiet |
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| Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli: Luoghi Comuni "Luoghi Comuni - "Gemein-plätze": ein Begriff, der uns in seiner Doppelsinnigkeit dazu einlädt, wieder einfachste Fragen zu stellen, damit die Architektur vom "Sagen" zum "Geben" zurückfinden k ... |
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Schmatz, Ferdinand: Semotan: Die Kamera Anhand von Photoapparaten aus unterschiedlichen Dekaden sinniert die Photographin Elfie Semotan mit dem Schriftsteller Ferdinand Schmatz über den Gegenstand und seine Geschichte nach. |
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| Carroll, Henry: LAND A startlingly insightful look at sublime landscapes from bestselling author and art writer Henry Carroll, with images from today's most innovative photographers. |
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| Kurland: Scumb Inspired by Valerie Solanas' iconoclastic feminist tract SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) Manifesto, SCUMB Manifesto introduces us to photographer Justine Kurland's own uncompromising initiative: ... |
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Moriyama: The Past is always new Daido Moriyama ist einer der renommiertesten japanischen Photographen, der für seine radikale Herangehensweise an Medium und Motiv bekannt ist. Seine Arbeit spiegelt seine Vision des Stadtlebens ... |
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| Verger: United States of America 1934 & 1937 Verger´s photographs constitute an extraordinary contribution to our understanding of the 1930´s in the U.S., and to the growth of photojournalism, documentary and artistic photography, represen ... |
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| Moulène: Laurence Lorenzi The publication presents a series of photographs taken by Jean-Luc Moulène of his partner, Laurence Lorenzi (1956-2004), during a period of 10 years. |
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Neilson: Chasing the Mountain Light The highly regarded outdoor photographer David Neilson shares his most stunning black-and-white shots from around the globe, and his adventures in search of them. |
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| Ndaku ya, la vie est belle: Homo detritus The Democratic Republic of Congo is among the greatest sufferers of the pollution caused by the waste industrial powers export to their country. Dressed in costumes created from this garbage, a ge ... |
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| Prager: Silver Lake Drive - compact edition The definitive monograph on Alex Prager, one of the truly original image makers of our time Paris 2018. - now published as paperback. |
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Van Rompaey: Notes on Bimbos and Bodybuilders In this book, artist Stan Van Rompaey attempts to define the essence of all things "camp" by researching the manifestations of camp past and present. Inspired by Susan Sontag's Notes on "Camp", th ... |
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| Bredekamp, Horst: Matthias Schaller |
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| Lein: Northern Silence Photographe norvégien, l'auteur a réalisé de nombreuses photographies de sa région d'origine, tout au long de sa vie. Apès une décennie passée à voyager à travers le monde, il ressent le ... |
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| Onderbeke: Candles This book is a photographic essay by Onderbeke. Fascinated by the sacred, ritual, and cerebral act of lighting a candle, the artist began collecting images of candles and candlesticks in an artist ... |
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| The Unseen Saul Leiter Saul Leiter's studio in New York's East Village, where he lived from 1952 until his death in 2013, is now the home of the Saul Leiter Foundation. The Foundation has begun a full-scale survey and o ... |
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Newton: A Gun for Hire - rev. Auflage 2022 Helmut Newton unterschied kompositorisch und stilistisch nicht zwischen der Arbeit für Zeitschriften und den Aufträgen von Werbekunden. Selbstironisch nannte er sich "A Gun for Hire" ("Auftragsk ... |
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| Tillmans: Reader - dt.04/23 "Wolfgang Tillmans: Reader" präsentiert erstmals in systematischer Weise die Beiträge des Künstlers als Denker, Autor und Gesprächspartner, der sich in einer großen Vielschichtigkeit kreative ... |
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| Weems: Kitchen Table Series - rev. edition 2022 "In book form, "Kitchen Table is more intimate... Unlike the experience of meandering through a museum, stepping back to appreciate the images and nearing the text panels to skim them, the pace of ... |
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Wegman: Writing by Artist While he's famous the world over for his instantly recognizable images of Weimaraner dogs, William Wegman has long been one of Conceptual art's true innovators. Filled with previously unknown and ... |
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| Hübner, Ulrich; Starke, Christine: Beziehungsspiegel: Mensch und Kulturdenkmal Jedes Gebäude hat seine Identität. Hinter jedem Gebäude stehen Personen, die sich um den Substanzerhalt und das Erscheinungsbild kümmern. Die reizvolle Beziehung zwischen Person und Gebäude - ... |
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| Drone Vision "Drone Vsision" addresses questions of how visibility and verticality are intrinsic to drone technology and its meanings for artistic and political praxis. The book is based on the two-year resear ... |
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