Ketelaar, Paul; Demir, Sanne; Aarts, Jan: 23 Innovations in Digital Communication Render deep insights into how innovative digital media can be used to influence buying behaviour and decision-making. |
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| Pop-up Moon Open this book and discover the dazzling magic of the moon! |
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| Scott Jarrett, Marvin: Ray Gun This exclusive volume presents the best features and radically designed pages of the 1990's most uncompromising document of alternative music, style, and pop culture. |
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Palette Mini Series 01: Black & White The best-selling PALETTE colour-themed series remains one of the most successful and sought-after references for designers around the world. Its first four editions - Black & White (Vol. 1), Multi ... |
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| Manga: British Museum 2019 The story of manga, a vibrant form of Japanese narrative art, from its historic roots to its place as a contemporary global phenomenon. For manga fans, this book celebrates the excitement of manga ... |
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| Krimstein, Ken: Die drei Leben der Hannah Arendt Hannah Arendt: streitbare Jahrhundertdenkerin, zu früh, zu wütend, auf so einschüchternde Weise klug, zu jüdisch, nicht jüdisch genug. 1933 floh sie aus Nazi-Deutschland ins Exil, über Tsche ... |
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Die Bibiliothek der möglichen Bücher 1 "Die Bibliothek der möglichen Bücher" umfaßt die Sammlung von über 400 Buchexperimenten, die im Lehrgebiet Typographie und Buchgestaltung der Muthesius Kunsthochschule entstanden sind - ein st ... |
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| Humphreys, Graham: Hung, Drawn And Executed Graham Humphreys career as a poster artist looms large over horror cinema. From designing the iconic 'Evil Dead' poster to 'Nightmare on Elm Street' and 'House of a Thousand Corpses', his work is ... |
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| JR: Chronicles A comprehensive overview on the French artist who has transformed cities worldwide with his epic portraits of their inhabitants. |
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Zeier, Franz: Schachtel, Mappe, Bucheinband - 7. Aufl. 2019 Franz Zeier führt Schritt für Schritt in die handwerklichen Techniken des Buchbindens ein. Dabei hat er großes Gewicht auf die Anfangsgründe des Buchbinderischen gelegt, z.B. auf Handhabung de ... |
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| The Ultimate Cartoon Book of Book Cartoons Hilarity for readers and book lovers. |
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| Salisbury, Martin; Styles, Morag: Children's Picturebooks - 2nd ed. 2019 What does it take to create a successful picturebook for children? This revised edition of a bestselling title carries invaluable insight into a highly productive, dynamic sector of the publishing ... |
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Reinfurt, David: A New Program for Graphic Design An independent graphic designer in New York City, David Reinfurt introduced the study of graphic design at Princeton University in 2010. His new book, "A *New* Program for Graphic Design", is a do ... |
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| Paffenholz, Petra: Buchbinden im japanischen Stil |
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| La ligne de couleur du W.E.B. Du Bois Tableaux, diagrammes et cartes réalisés pour l'Exposition universelle de Paris de 1900, dans lesquels William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (1868-1963) témoigne des conditions de vie des Afro-Améri ... |
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A5/09: West-Berlin Grafik-Design |
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| Berdahl Aamundsen, Martin: Draw Your Own Comic Book! Dieses Malbuch bietet dir auf 100 Seiten Platz, deiner Kreativität in Sachen Comic-Zeichnung freien Lauf zu lassen. |
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| Saville: Prints & Multiples / Blessmann + Saville: Signs Brought together for the first time are all of Peter Saville's limited edition artworks produced between 2002 and 2018 with the Paul Stolper Gallery in London. This publication, produced in both l ... |
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Notes on Experimental Jetset/Volume 3 Four years after "Statement and Counter-Statement" (2015), Experimental Jetset returns with their second paperback for Roma Publications. Whereas the previous publication had a more overall monogr ... |
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| Brandlife: Restaurants & Bars |
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| Amell, Carolina: Surf Like a Girl - dt. n spektakulären Bildern und inspirierenden Statements porträtiert dieser Band Surferinnen aus aller Welt. |
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Bitzer, Christoph: Über Gestaltung |
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| | Manual 72. Aicher: Richtlinien und Normen für die visuelle Gestaltung Almost a quarter of a century after the end of National Socialism in Germany, Otl Aicher was commissioned to design the "cheerful" Olympic Games in Munich 1972. He systematically and scientificall ... |
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Malterre-Barthes, Charlotte: Gray: A House Under the Sun With exquisitive visuals and a cosidered narrative A House Under the Sun brings to life the tale of a true visionary and her strive for artistic excellence. But it is a life story of women that wa ... |
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| Literatur, Buchgestaltung und Buchkunst |
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| Drnaso: Sabrina Sabrina verschwindet. Und dieses Ereignis zieht ein Netz aus Verschwörungstheorien und politischer Stimmungsmache nach sich, in dem sich auch Calvin Wrobel verheddert. Er hat sich entschlossen, S ... |
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