Hegen: Salt Works Um neun verschiedene Salinenanlagen aus der Luft zu photographieren, ist Tom Hegen einmal um die Welt gereist. Dabei hat er spektakuläre Bilder gewonnen. |
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| Sailor, Rachel: Pictorial Photography and the American West, 1900-1950 This book is an investigation of the widely overlooked photographic style of pictorialism in the American West between 1900 and 1950 and argues that western pictorialist photographers were regiona ... |
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| Presence: Photography Collection Lauder "Presence" is a thrilling immersion into the personal collection of photographer and humanitarian Judy Glickman Lauder. |
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Mandelbaum: Matter In mehr als 100 unveröffentlichten Arbeiten zeigt das Buch Photographien, die eine künstlerische Obsession mit der organischen Welt dokumentierten. |
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| McGee: Photography This monograph is the first to collect the photographs of internationally acclaimed multimedia artist Barry McGee. |
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| Allen, Sarah: Tate Photography: Sabelo Mlangeni Many of the stories that Sabelo Mlangeni tells are of communities on the periphery of society. Taking time to build relationships, he gains trust and, eventually, access to inner circles and sacre ... |
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Sassen/Coccia: Modern Alchemy This project is the result of a unique fusion between photographer Viviane Sassen and philosopher Emanuele Coccia, two key figures in their respective fields. Sassen contributes 80 new photographs ... |
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| Raynaldy: Welcome my Friend Gilles Raynaldys zweites Photobuch "Welcome my Friend" dokumentiert seine Erfahrungen im "Dschungel von Calais" während der neun Monate, bevor das Flüchtlingslager im Oktober 2016 geräumt wurde ... |
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| Wortelkamp, Isa: Bilder von Bewegung Tanzphotographien sind zugleich photographisch und choreografisch gestaltete Bilder von Bewegung. In ihrer Betrachtung kommt es zu einer paradoxen Gegenwart des Vergehens, die unsere Wahrnehmung z ... |
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Camilo: 34 Hours A documentation of a 34 hours voyage to Southafrica with the BMZ and the German Minister of Developement to visit several projects like: YDF "Youth Developement through Football" in Township Mame ... |
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| Lindon, Mathieu: Hervelino On Hervé Guibert and the difficulty of writing and speaking about someone beloved and revered. |
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| Guibert: Letters to Eugène: Correspondence 1977-1987 Hervé Guibert's incandescent correspondence with Belgian poet Eugène Savitzkaya. |
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Gupta: We Were Here "We Were Here: Sexuality, Photography, and Cultural Difference" offers an unparalleled firsthand account of the influential photographer and curator Sunil Gupta's writing and critical inquiry sinc ... |
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| Grossman: Bettina "Bettina" is the first monograph to showcase the work of the previously unsung artist Bettina Grossman, whose wildly interdisciplinary practice spanned photography, sculpture, textile, cinema, dra ... |
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| Garner, Philippe: Jones: Multiple Exposures The publication explores the numerous ways in which artist Allen Jones has engaged with the possibilities of this medium. Historian Philippe Garner has researched Jones s extensive archive to deve ... |
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Knapp: Mon temps Zuerst Typograph und Graphiker, dann Künstler, Art Director, Photograph und Regisseur: Peter Knapps Ideen für Layout und Typografie sowie seine dynamischen Photographien machten die Zeitschrift ... |
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| Stewart: London Burlesque Photographer Angus Stewart has spent ten years backstage with London s burlesque community, getting to know the performers and documenting their shared world to create what he calls a family album . |
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| Bogren: Metropolia - franz. Une déambulation onirique ponctuée de rencontres énigmatiques au sein d'une cité imaginaire restituée par fragments. |
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Bogren: Metropolia - engl. A dreamlike wandering punctuated by enigmatic encounters within an imaginary city reconstructed in fragments. |
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| Wolf: Architecture of Density Hong Kong - erw. Aufl. 2022 Der Bildband "Architecture of Density" ist seit seiner Erstveröffentlichung im Jahr 2012 zu einem Meilenstein in der Geschichte des Mediums Photobuch geworden. Diese Neuauflage enthält eine Reih ... |
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| Teller/Drizyte: Auguri "Auguri" ist Juergen Tellers und Doville Drizytes ungeniertes visuelles Tagebuch ihres Hochzeitsabenteuers in Neapel, vom ersten Location- Scouting bis zur Willkommensparty mit Tanz auf der Dachte ... |
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Helbich, David: Belgian Solutions 3 Not every solution is an answer to a problem. |
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| Van Aarle: Moving Mountains Der belgische Landschaftsfotograf Bastiaan van Arle (geboren 1988) erforscht die Grenzen der Photographie, die medienspezifischen Eigenschaften und wie sie unsere Wahrnehmung der Realität beeinfl ... |
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| Annie Leibovitz SUMO - Neuaufl. 2022 Der begehrte SUMO Annie Leibovitz ist nun in einer unlimitierten Ausgabe erhältlich. Annie Leibovitz zeigt ikonische Photographien aus ihrem 40jährigen Schaffen, von photojournalistischen Arbeit ... |
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Shabazz: A Time Before Crack Once upon a time before crack, Jamel Shabazz was on the scene, working the streets of New York City, capturing the faces and places of an era that have long since disappeared. |
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| Kempenaers: Belgian Colonial Monuments Kempenaers researched, sought out, and photographed another 60 monuments related to Belgium s colonial past. To date, all of them can be found in the public space. |
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| Atkinson: Trellick Tower London |
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Corbijn: Instanton In this book Corbijn presents a series of images, most of which have never been published previously. |
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| | Deanna Bowen This black-on-black book brings together over 20 years of Deanna Bowen's commitment to the excavation and recontextualization of colonial legacies - particularly those which implicate her family h ... |
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