Dengo, Monica: Leave Your Mark |
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| IdN Pro 26.4: Game Art In this issue, we have gathered together a roll-call of more than 30 masterminds who make the visuals for these games as stunning as they can be to capture your mind and imagination. They have kin ... |
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| 75 Jahre DC Comics Ein Mammutwerk für alle DC-Fans mit über 2000 Abbildungen darunter Cover, Illustrationen, Filmstills und Sammelstücke und kenntnisreichen Essays des DC-Veteranen Paul Levitz. Diese neue Aus ... |
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Im Rückspiegel Ein Generationenportrait prägender Schweizer Gestalterinnen und Gestalter. |
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| Harari, Yuval Noah: Sapiens: A Graphic History 1 The first volume of the graphic adaptation of Yuval Noah Harari's global phenomenon. |
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Rejected: Designs for the European Flag The flag bearing twelve yellow stars on a blue background has become Europe's most recognisable symbol. Since its introduction by the Council of Europe in 1955, it has stood for the unification of ... |
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| Manco, Tristan: Stencil Graffiti: Das Handbuch Kreativität, Provokation und Fortschritt - für all das steht Stencil Graffiti. Dieser Band erklärt die Schablonentechnik, die hinter dem Trend steckt und beleuchtet eine neue Generation von Str ... |
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| Typography Now Typography Now will guide its readers to understand, create, and use Latin, Chinese and Japanese typefaces in the increasingly interrelated world. The fundamentals will provide readers knowledge t ... |
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Wada, Sanzo: A Dictionary of Color Combinations Volume 2 From 1933 to 1934 Sanzo Wada published a collection of colour combinations that was the first of its kind in Japan. Following on that enduring bestseller, "A Dictionary of Color Combinations" Vol. ... |
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| Colors Perfect Color Matching for Brand Design Color plays such an important role in visual effect,psychological experience,and brand characteristics that color marching is essential for a brand designer.This book arms readers with the basic k ... |
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| Wicked Arts Assignments Bold, unusual, contrary, funny, poetical, inspiring, socially committed, or otherwise challenging. everyone hwo teaches the arts knows them: assignemnts that are seemingly simple but challenge par ... |
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Dyroff, Bianca: Urban Scrawl Pocket Notes This notebook is a perfect fit for pockets, purses, or backpacks, making it a great companion for your daily creative life or as little surprise for a good friend, regardless of age or artistic ta ... |
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| | Brotton, Jerry; Millea, Nick: 50 Maps and the Stories They Tell This book brings together rare and stunning examples of maps from the Bodleian Library's extraordinary map collection. Arranged chronologically, each ma is accompanied by a narrative revealing how ... |
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Scientifiction: Autour de Blake & Mortimer |
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| | Heller, Steven; Wiedemann, Julius: The Illustrator: 100 Best from around the World Für alle, die dachten, digitale Gestaltung bedeute das Ende eines Berufsfeldes: Nie war Illustration lebendiger als heute! Neue digitale Werkzeuge verschaffen der Kunst neue Kraft und dem Illustr ... |
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Tom Waits von Matt Mahurin Tom Waits und Matt Mahurin verbindet eine über dreißigjährige, kongeniale Partnerschaft, der Mahurin, amerikanischer Photograph und Illustrator, dessen Illustrationen in Time, Newsweek, Mother ... |
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| Serrats, Marta: Invitations, Greeting Cards, Postcards and Self-Promotion- new ed. 2019 |
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| Playful Graphics - new ed. 2019 |
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Tsvetkov, Yanko: Atlas der Vorurteile - erw. Auflage 2019 "Tsvetkovs Dokumentation der Stereotype ist ein so ironischer wie wirkungsvoller Beitrag zum kulturellen Verständnis". ZEIT online |
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| Pricken, Mario: Think Outside the Frame |
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| Negarestani, Reza; Tilford, Keith: Chronosis A unique fusion of comics culture and philosophical cogitation takes readers on a ride through time, space, and thought. |
noch nicht erschienen, Preis folgt bei Erscheinen | |
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Membrillas: Life happens around doorways |
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| Various & Gould: Permanently Improvised |
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| Luz: Wir waren Charlie In seinen Träumen begegnet der ehemalige "Charlie Hebdo"-Zeichner Luz seinen früheren Kollegen, die bei dem Terroranschlag vom 7. Januar 2015 ums Leben kamen. Er selbst entging dem Massaker nur ... |
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