Albrechtsburg Meißen Im Zusammenhang mit der Neugestaltung der Dauerausstellung in der Albrechtsburg Meißen und anläßlich des 300. Jubiläums der Gründung der Meißener Porzellanmanufaktur werden in dieser Publika ... |
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| Icons from the Thracian Coast The catalogue documents 52 Byzantine and Post-Byzantine icons from Varna, Mesembria (Nesebar), Sozopolis (Sozopol), Vasiliko (Tsarevo) and Agathoupolis (Ahtopol) on the Bulgarian coasts of the Bla ... |
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| Graham: Not yet realised The exhibition showed new pavilions and pavilion models by Dan Graham, whose very personal and intuitive exploration of architectural space and perception has come to be defined by his pavilions. |
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Beat Nation "Beat Nation" reflects a generation of artists who juxtapose urban youth culture with Aboriginal identity in entirely innovative and unexpected ways. Using hip hop and other forms of popular cultu ... |
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| Frida & Diego: Passion, Politics and Painting |
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| Animal Spirits Selections from the Dakis Joannou Drawing Collection: Works by Paul Chan, Folkert de Jong, Sam Durant, Cameron Jamie, Dah Snow, Kelley Walker et al. |
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Muntean/Rosenblum: Management of Insignifiance An exhibition of the artist team of Markus Muntean and Adi Rosenblum presenting paintings by both artists and including a site-specific installation designed for the gallery space. |
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| Bruegel, Cranach...: Slg. Brukenthal In einer einzigartigen Ausstellung präsentiert das Kunstmuseum der Stadt Luxembourg Meisterwerke des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung des Barons Samuel von Brukenthal (1721-1803). |
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| The Small Utopia: Ars Multipicata Covering a period of 75 years, from the beginning of the 20th century to 1975, the exhibition documents with over six hundred works, including multiples and prototypes, the transformation of the i ... |
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Amelie von Wulffen Published on the occasion of her Aspen Art Museum exhibition, the artist's first solo presentation in an American museum, this catalogue focuses on Amelie von Wulffen's recent work. The artist dep ... |
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| Les Alpes de Doisneau Album de l'exposition qui retrace le travail de l'artiste sur le territoire alpin où il se rendait pour ses vacances ou pour des campagnes de publicit |
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| Scheugl: Die Fotografien des Filmemachers Als Filmemacher ist Hans Scheugl seit den 1960er Jahren international bekannt. Seine Arbeiten umfassen Avantgarde- und Dokumentarfilme sowie Aktionen des Expanded Cinemas. Auch als Theoretiker und ... |
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Kilimnik: Dance Rehearsal "Dance Rehearsal" explores Philadelphia-born artist Karen Kilimnik's longstanding engagement with historical performance, in particular the romantic story ballets of the nineteenth century. This p ... |
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| Neshat: The Book of Kings |
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| Ikonostase - Bild und Glaube Die Ausstellung setzt sich mit dem Phänomen der Ikonostase in der orthodoxen Kirche auseinander. Dabei wird anhand der ausgestellten Objekte die gesamte "heilige" Wand der Ikonostase, auf der sic ... |
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Buren: Two Exploded Cabins for a Dialog Das Buch erscheint im Anschluß an zwei Ausstellungen in Mainz. |
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| | Ruppersberg: Collector's Paradise A found history of rock and roll in America from the collection of the artist: a list of 1,500 key recordings illustrated with over 300 related images. Published on ocasion of the exhibition "No T ... |
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Seelenkind: verehrt, verwöhnt, verklärt Andächtig und würdevoll, majestätisch und verschwenderisch werden Jesuskind-Figuren seit Jahrhunderten in bayerischen Frauenklöstern inszeniert und verehrt. Dahinter steht der Wunsch, dem Göt ... |
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| Nature Transformed The jewellery exhibited consisted largely of pendants, hung from silk cords with coloured beads, brooches, and hair ornaments, as well as decorative accessories including letter openers. Horn jewe ... |
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Ulrichs: Bilder-Finder - Bilder Erfinder Das Werk von Timm Ulrichs zeigt eine beeindruckende Spannbreite von performativen und multimedialen Arbeiten über Skulpturen, Arbeiten mit Tieren und Pflanzen bis hin zu Sprach-Werken und Install ... |
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| Douglas: Entertainment This critical reader accompanies and addresses the exhibition "Stan Douglas: Selections from Midcentury Studio". The work in the exhibition continues the artist's practice of reexamining historica ... |
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| Crumb: De l'underground à la Genèse Exposition rétrospective de l'oeuvre du dessinateur Robert Crumb, figure de la contre-culture américaine et de la bande dessinée underground depuis les années 1970. |
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De Heemskerck à Le Brun La collection regroupe des dessins des XVIe au XIXe siècles des toutes les écoles. Heemskerck, Poussin, Van Dyck, Vouet, côtoient dans cette ouvrage des maîtres moins renommés à découvrir. |
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| Art of Change: New Directions from China Amongst a host of exhibitions and books surveying "New Art from China", this title stands out as a uniquely focussed investigation of Chinese sculpture and installation. Exploring the work of a sm ... |
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| Saying It "Saying It" sheds light on key concepts of psychoanalysis (psychosis, transference, screen memories), it also reveals new layers of narrative and meaning enfolded in the former home of Anna and Si ... |
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Prince / Picasso * Considered to be a refined and sophisticated artist, brilliant and highly cultured, but also challenging and provocative, Richard Prince has been working intensely over the last two years on his o ... |
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| Gold from Java Gold jewellery played a large role in the Javanese Court culture. The precious material was even granted a divine power, something also reflected in the way in which the pieces are decorated. Mons ... |
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| American Photography: Flags of America This is the first of two books (the second forthcoming in 2014) that seek to illustrate the outstanding quality and variety of the works which have marked American photography from the mid-20th ce ... |
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