| lightness and matter 20 Jahre Transmediale Kunst. |
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| Vannier, Charlotte: Unravelled A stunning survey of yarn work in contemporary art, illustrating the myriad ways knitting and crochet have been embraced as a form of creative expression. |
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Lustvolle Befreiung - DVD |
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| | Everything Is Connected: Art and Conspiracy A timely exploration of artists whose work addresses the subject of conspiracy and media manipulation in modern culture. |
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I Was Raised on the Internet Coinciding with a major exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, this anthology of essays and reflections casts a discursive and critical light on the work of artists engaging with th ... |
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| Let's talk abstract - engl. Die Herausgeberin Carolin Scharpff-Striebich - Sammlerin und Leiterin der Sammlung Scharpff - führte pointierte Gespräche mit 16 Persönlichkeiten des internationalen Kunstbetriebs, die sich jew ... |
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| Ein Quadrat...: Slg. Hoppe-Ritter |
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documenta 1955: Wissenschaftliches Lesebuch Die documenta des Jahres 1955 gilt bis in die Gegenwart als Meilenstein der Ausstellungsgeschichte. Arnold Bode, Werner Haftmann und das damalige Kuratorenteam hatten nichts Geringeres vor Augen, ... |
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| No Man's Library / La Biblioteca di Tutti |
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| Deckert, Bruno: Die Entdeckung des Kosmos |
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Der fünfte BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors Der globale Guide zu privaten, öffentlich zugänglichen Sammlungen zeitgenössischer Kunst: Aktualisiert und um zahlreiche Abbildungen sowie 31 neue Sammlungen und praktische Adressen erweitert. |
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| The Fifth BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors The global guide to private, publically accessible collections of contemporary art, revised and extended by numerous illustrations, 31 new collections, and useful addresses |
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Lemelshtrich Latar, Noam: Can Art Aid in Resolving Conflicts? Throghout history, art has documented the atrocities of wars, participated in propagada campaings, and served as an advocate for social justice around the world. The aim of this book is to explore ... |
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| Lust for Light "Lust for Light" selects works by artists who have used light as a primary or catalysing agent in the featured pieces. |
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| Konkrete und andere Spielformen der Poesie. |
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Palavandishvili, Nini; Prents, Lena: Baubezogene Kunst Georgien |
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| Pola, Francesca: Piero Manzoni and ZERO |
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| Debord, Guy: La societe du spectacle |
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| Faithless Pictures In this exhibition, the National Museum shows works from the last four decades by close to forty prominent artists. Using a variety of approaches, they all address the surfeit of images we see all ... |
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| The Progressive Revolution Following the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Indian independence, this book focuses on the Progressive Artists Group, which included artists from different backgrounds and traditions who f ... |
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Yes, but is this performable? This catalogue is published on the occasion of the two group exhibitions "The only performances that make it all the way..." and "Yes, but is it performable? Investigations on the Performative Par ... |
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| Berlinzulage Das Ausstellungsprojekt "Berlinzulage" will den künstlerischen Strategien und Tendenzen nachspüren, die sich in den 1980er Jahren im marktfernen, kaum reglementierten Raum West-Berlins einfach r ... |
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| 1974. International Avant-Garde Art at the Palais des Beaux-Arts In line with the event 1974. International Avant-Garde Art at the Palais des Beaux-Arts which took place in the Archive room of Herbert Foundation on Sunday 3 June 2018, this publication discloses ... |
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Leduc, Marie: Dissidence: Chinese Contemporary Art How the valorization of artistic and political dissidence has contributed to the rise of Chinese contemporary art in the West. |
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| | African Metropolis A land of promise, of contrasts between tradition and innovation, an example of a new social model based on the concept of human community, the African continent is examined from an innovative poi ... |
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