Emma, Königin der Niederlande 1858-1934 |
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| De Pompei a Malmaison, les antiques de Josephine |
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| The Eye of Josephine: Antiquities Collection |
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La Belle Epoque: Arte in Italia 1880-1915 |
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| Russland 1900: Kunst + Kultur im Reich des letzten Zaren Die Kunst im vorrevolutionären Rußland ist eine Kunst der Übergangszeit, in der sich Tradition und Moderne überlagern. Die Suche nach neuen Ausdrucksformen wird Programm: Symbolismus, Jugendst ... |
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| Hoffmann, Torsten: Lehrer ohne Lehre. Zur Rezeption Cézannes |
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The Printed Picture The catalogue traces the changing technology of picture-making from the Renaissance to the present, focusing on the vital role of images in multiple copies. It surveys printing techniques before t ... |
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| Fieschi, Caroline: Photographier les plantes au XIX siecle |
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| Delacroix et la photographie Photographs of nude models who posed for Delacroix, and whose pictures were taken at the painter s request by Eugène Durieu in 1854, form the core of the exhibition. These unique prints are shown ... |
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Meecham, Pam: Making American Art The study presents a thematic, interdisciplinary examination of art in the United States from the seventeeth century to the present day. |
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| MacLeod, Dianne Sachko: Enchanted Lives, Enchanted Objects This insightful and beautifully illustrated book offers the first feminist analysis of the phenomenon of women art collectors in America. Macleod shows how elite women enlisted the objets d'art an ... |
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| Like Breath on Glass Through an innovative manner of handling paint, a group of American artists around 1900 created deseptively simple canvases that convey images of shimmering transcience, visions rather suggested t ... |
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Fraquelli, Sybille: Im Schatten des Domes. Neugotik in Köln Der im Mittelalter unvollendet gebliebene Kölner Dom entwickelte im 19. Jahrhundert für die an neugotischer Architektur Interessierten eine enorme Leuchtkraft. Was sich in seinem Schatten abspie ... |
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| I MaccHiaioli: Collezione Taragoni |
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| Vom Freund gezeichnet: Porträtalbum |
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Le décorateur et l'amateur d'art Entwürfe zu Innendekorationen des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts von Eugène Lami, Antoine Zoegger, Félix Duban, Henry van de Velde, George Niedecken u.a. aus dem Bestand des Musée d'Orsay Paris. |
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| Rubin, James, H.: Impressionism and the Modern Landscape |
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| American Paintings at Harvard 2: 1826-1856 This handsome book is the first to appear in a series of three volumes that will catalogue Harvard University's distinguished collection of American paintings. It documents nearly 500 paintings, w ... |
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Karpeles, Eric: Paintings in Proust Marcel Proust's writings teems with references to painters and paintings, so without an extensive understanding of Western art, a great deal of the novel is lost on modern readers. This is a beaut ... |
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| Giese, Heiner: Sakraler Ort - Rationaler Raum Pfarrkirchen um 1828 in der Entstehungszeit der Diözese Rottenburg: Rationalität ist das Instrument der Moderne, das die Architektur, auch die Sakralarchitektur in ihrem Kern veränderte. Das Bu ... |
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| Butler, Ruth: Hidden in the Shadow of the Master: Cezanne, Monet, Rodin Paul Cézanne, Claude Monet, and Auguste Rodin. The names of these brilliant nineteenth-century artists are known throughout the world. But what is remembered of their wives? What were these unkno ... |
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Solkin, David: Painting Out of the Ordinary With its plethora of illustrations, many of works published here for the first time, the book will be compulsory reading for anyone interested in British art and society of the Romantic era, featu ... |
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| Art Nouveau during the Reign of the Last Tsars |
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| Meisterinnen des Lichts: Impressionistinnen |
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Boime, Albert: Art in an Age of Civil Struggle, 1848-1871 From the European revolutions of 1848 through the Italian independence movement, the American Civil War, and the French Commune, the era Albert Boime explores in this fourth volume of his epic ser ... |
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| Napoleon III et Victoria 4.10.2008 - 19.1.2009 |
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| Vermählungsalbum von 1823 |
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Masques: De Carpeaux à Picasso Seit der Antike ist die Maske als Objekt der Verhüllung und Verwandlung des Gesichts unverzichtbares Element des Theaters und des Kultes. Um die Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert erlebt die Maske ... |
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| Holmes, Richard: Age of Wonder Richard Holmes, prize-winning biographer of Coleridge and Shelley, explores the scientific ferment that swept across Britain at the end of 18th century in his ground-breaking new book "The Age of ... |
noch nicht erschienen, Preis folgt bei Erscheinen | |
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| Steffens, Martin: Luthergedenkstätten im 19. Jahrhundert Untersuchung von vier Luthergedenkstätten: Geburtshaus und Sterbehaus in Eisleben, Wartburg, Wittenberger Schloßkirche mit dem Schwerpunkt auf den Umgestaltungen im 19. Jahrhundert. |
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