Sykora, Katharina: Figurenspiele Der Band analysiert prototypische Figuren des Erzählkinos, die ihr Potenzial, sich selbst zu zeigen, demonstrativ ausspielen und durch intermediale Referenzen doppelt reflexiv werden. |
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| | The Dawn of Technicolor, 1915-1935 Published to coincide with Technicolor's centennial in 2015, "The Dawn of Technicolor" recounts the beginnings of one of the most widely recognized names in the American film industry, reconstruct ... |
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| Karrer, Bettina: Sautet: Unstillbare Sehnsucht Das erste deutschsprachige Buch zu dem Werk, zudem die erste analytische Gesamtdarstellung der 11 Filme, in denen der melancholische Filmemacher, selbstkritisch und perfektionistisch, stets versuc ... |
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| Jorgensen, Jay; Scoggins, Donald L.: Creating the Illusion For more than a century, costume designers have left indelible impressions on moviegoers' minds. Yet until now, so little has been known about the designers themselves and their work to complement ... |
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Diaghilev and the Ballets Russes - paper This beautiful book draws on new research to explore Diaghilev's life, work and cultural milieu. It pulls together the music, pictures, costumes, archives and art of the Ballets Russes to illustra ... |
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| Wenders: Die Pixel des Paul Cezanne Was ist das Besondere an den Photos von Barbara Klemm, James Nachtwey und Peter Lindbergh? An einer kleinen Zeichnung von Paul Cézanne oder den Bildern von Edward Hopper? An den Filmen von Antony ... |
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| Wenders: Einmal Die Coverphotos zu "Einmal". |
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Sharits: Retrospektive In einem großformatigen Bildteil und einem ausführlichen Textteil mit Beiträgen von Theoretikern, Künstlern und Weggefährten spannt der Katalog den Bogen von Paul Sharits' frühen strukturell ... |
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| Moving Image: Documents of Contemporary Art An examination of the expanded field of moving image-based art that has emerged alongside digital media. |
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| Orte. Nicht-Orte. Ab-Orte |
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Snyder, Blake: Rette die Katze! "Eine Art Heilige Schrift der Hollywood-Drehbuchautoren." David Steinitz, Süddeutsche Zeitung |
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| Frayling, Christopher: Kubrick: The 2001 File This stunning tome is a previously unseen look behind-the-scenes at the making of this most legendary of science fiction classics. It is an in-depth examination of the complete, largely unpublishe ... |
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| Mendieta: Covered in Time and History During her too-brief career, Ana Mendieta (1948-1985) produced a distinctive body of work that includes drawings, installations, performances, photographs, and sculptures. Less well known is her r ... |
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Film und Games: Ein Wechselspiel |
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| Schlingensief: Atta Atta - -DVD |
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| Sohn-Rethel, Marten: Reel to Real |
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| Neve, Brian: The Many Lives of Cy Endfield |
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| Smyth, J.E.: Zinnemann and the Cinema of Resistance |
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| Hickethier, Knut: Film- und Fernsehanalyse |
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Anna Viebrock, Zürich In diesem Jahr erhält Anna Viebrock den Zürcher Festspielpreis für herausragende künstlerische Leistungen und ihren Beitrag zum Kulturleben in Zürich. Anläßlich dieser Ehrung dokumentiert d ... |
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| Piene: Between Fire and Sky - DVD Otto Piene zählt zu wichtigsten Künstler der Nachkriegszeit und war einer der Mitbegründer der ZERO Gruppe. Er gilt auch als wegweisender Vertreter der SkyArt und Lichtkunst. Mit seinen Raster- ... |
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| Sadik Kwaish Alfraji Sadik Kwaish Alfraji is one oft the most prominent artists working in the Iraqi diaspora today. This beautiful publication is the first monograph offering a comprehensive look into the world of th ... |
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Ellard, Graham; Johnstone, Stephen: McCall: Notebooks & Conversations Charting the development of the studio practice of New York based artist Anthony McCall (born1946), this publication features facsimile reproductions of pages from McCall's extensive archive of no ... |
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| Copyright by Inge Morath - DVD |
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| Barchella/Grifi: Verifica Incerta - DVD The history of the fertile but ambiguous relationship between visual arts and cinema during the 20th century is punctuated by a number of landmarks: "Verifica Incerta" released in 1964 by Italian ... |
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