NATIONALISM + FRENCH VISUAL CULTURE Essays by fifteen scholars of the period open previously unexplored perspectives on the relationship between the arts and the political conflicts that arose in the context of a nation defining its ... |
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| Die Kaiser + die Macht der Medien Die mediale Selbstdarstellung der Hohenzollern-Dynastie. |
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| Le Theatre de l'Oeuvre 1893-1900 |
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FAVROD, CHARLES-HENRI.: Favrod: Le temps des colonies "Cet ouvrage est d'abord un livre de reflexion sur l'Afrique et l'Asie coloniales. Mais c'est aussi un livre d'images authentique que nous n'avons pas voulu retoucher: livrees telles quelles, repr ... |
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| Breaking the Mold: Sculpture in Paris |
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| Romantici e Macchiaioli Published for the bicentenary celebrations of the birth of Giuseppe Mazzini, this volume offers a highly suggestive itinerary through the Italian painting of the nineteenth century, focising on th ... |
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| Quentin Blake: Petit Palais |
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| L'Art russe XIXe siecle During the second half of the nineteenth century, many Russian artists, feeling moved to develop a national art, rejected or questioned the Western models taught in the Saint Petersburg and Moscow ... |
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| Neo-impressionisme de Seurat a Klee The Musee d'Orsay celebrates Neo-Impressionism with events that pay homage to the artists who founded the movement, re-establishing those painters who have long since fallen out of the public eye, ... |
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| TUCKER, JENNIFER.: Tucker: Nature Exposed Jennifer Tucker studies the intersecting trajectories of photography and modern science in late Victorian Britain. She examines the role of photograph as witness in scientific investigation and ex ... |
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UPDIKE, JOHN.: Updike: Still Looking! When, in 1989, a collection of John Updike's writings on art appeared under the title "Just Looking", a reviewer in the San Francisco Chronicle commented, "He refreshes for us the sense of prose o ... |
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| Antiquity and Photography A focus on early photography of ancient sites in Italy, Greece, Asia Minor and Egypt between 1840 and 1880 with works by Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey and William James Stilman, Maxime Du Ca ... |
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| MORRIS, EDWARD.: MORRIS: French Art This book charts the impact of French culture on British art and, to a lesser extent, the influence of British art in France during the nineteenth century. Thoroughly original, it is the first ful ... |
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Napoleon... aigle ou ogre? Napoleon in der Karikatur des 19. Jahrhundert. |
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| | KIESOW, GOTTFRIED.: Kiesow: Das verkannte Jahrhundert |
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KOPENHAGEN, DET NATIONALE: Andersen: Schattenbilder |
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| Napoleon et Versailles A l'occasion du bicentenaire de l'Empire, le musee de Versailles se propose d'evoquer un aspect trop peu connu de son histoire: la rehabilitation du chateau et du domaine de Versailles apres la Re ... |
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| MÜLLER, KLAUS.: Müller: Geschichte der Stadt Köln 8 |
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Knatz: Ästhetische Subjektivität Die Autoren nehmen die deutsche Romantik aus vielfältiger historischer und systematischer Perspektive in den Blick und stellen deren grundlegende Bedeutung für die Genese der Moderne heraus. |
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| PROKASKY, JUDITH.: Prokasky: Vom Ereignis zum Mythos |
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| KLEIN, MATTHIAS.: Klein: Stadt- + Bürger-Denkmal München |
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Jewish Women + Their Salons From their debut in Berlin in the 1780s to their emergence in 1930s California, Jewish women's salons served as welcoming havens where all classes and creeds could openly debate art, music, litera ... |
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| DRESDEN, ALBERTINUM -: Ernst Hassebrauk |
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| Fest, Joachim.: Fest: Gespräche mit Speer Hier werden erstmals Joachim Fests Aufzeichnungen veröffentlicht, die entstanden, als er Albert Speer während der Abfassung seiner "Erinnerungen" und der "Spandauer Tagebücher" zwischen 1966 un ... |
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Rauw - Raw - Brut Ein Symposium zur Art Brut im Museum Dr. Guislain in Gent. |
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| KUMA, KENGO.: GA Architect 19: Kengo Kuma |
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| RIPAULT, JACQUES.: Ripault: Espace des oeuvres Ein Buch über das Musee d'Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne in Vitry-sur-Seine. |
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