Oro fra Visconti e Sforza Poche corti possono eguagliare in sfarzo e ricchezza quella dei Visconti e degli Sforza tra XIV e XV secolo. Il volume ripercorre questa straordinaria stagione, presentando sessanta pezzi di altis ... |
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| Mechanische Tierwelt Die Ausstellung »Mechanische Tierwelt« zeigt originale historische Blechspielzeugtiere, die wir in inszenierten Fotografien in ihr scheinbar natürliches Umfeld versetzten. |
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| Jain, Rahul: Rapture: Indian Textiles This book celebrates India's spectacular texile art. It takes the reader on a visual odyssey spanning 500 years, tracing the images created on cloth for India's magnificent courts and temples, as ... |
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Crouch, Edith: The Mola: Kuna Textile Art The mola is a multilayered textile art form and metaphor for the story of the Kuna, indigenous people of Panama. With over 890 images covering more than a century of molas, this book provides insi ... |
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| Tatsuaki: Bildhauer unter den Lackkünstlern |
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| Objects: Hamelner Töpferei Die Hamelner Töpferei wurde 1922 gegründet und existierte unter wechselnder Leitung bis 1966. Sie war einer der wegweisenden Kunst- und Handwerksbetriebe Deutschlands. Das Buch zeigt anhand der ... |
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Delaborde, Yves: Le verre - 2 vols Cette encyclopédie est l'aboutissement de plusieurs décennies d'intimité avec le verre et le reflet d'une vision transversale de l'histoire de l'art et de ses liens avec l'histoire de la socié ... |
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| Tsareva, Elena: Turkmenische Teppiche Turkmenischer Knüpfarbeiten an den Meisterwerken der Sammlung Hoffmeister. Brillante Abbildungen und sachkundige Texte veranschaulichen die kulturelle Bedeutung der Sammlung und den hohen wissens ... |
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| Le chateau de Versailles: Mobilier national Dispersées à la suite des ventes révolutionnaires, des oeuvres exceptionnelles retrouvent aujourd'hui leur affectation originelle, l'écrin majestueux de Versailles. Aussi les auteurs de cet ou ... |
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Contemporary Jewellery Art The works presented in this book are created by thirty-eight young and dynamic designers from around the world. Their work is not about luxury. They strive to use innovative materials and experime ... |
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| Glüber, Wolfgang: Jugendstilschmuck Die Sammlung von Jugendstilschmuck im Hessischen Landesmuseum Darmstadt gehört zu den bedeutendsten und umfangreichsten ihrer Art. Der erstmals vollständig publizierte Bestand vermittelt mit üb ... |
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| Schulz, Anne Markham: Woodcarving and Woodcarvers in Venice 1350-1550 This book is the first synthetic treatment of Venetian woodcarving and woodcarvers. It opens with an introduction covering all aspects of the subject - materials, techniques, patronage, genres, an ... |
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San Salvador: The Gilded Silver Altarpiece Das Altarbild aus vergoldetem Silber aus dem späten 15. Jahrhundert des Hauptaltars der venezianischen Kirche San Salvador war bislang nur einem kleinen Personenkreis bekannt. Die meiste Zeit de ... |
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| Ramond, Pierre: Andre-Charles Boulle L'auteur, spécialiste de l'histoire de la marqueterie apporte un éclairage inédit sur la vie d'André-Charles Boulle. Il décrit l'univers dans lequel il vécut et nous montre un personnage aux ... |
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| The Revival of Italian Maiolica Con la sua enfasi sulla rinascita di temi del passato, il volume richiama l'ispirazione originale del collezionista e mecenate Frederick Stibbert nella creazione del museo. Viene offerta una ricca ... |
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Hayard, Michele: Janvier: Celestial Clockmaker Antide Janvier, great clockmaker of the late 18th and early 19th century, died in extreme poverty and without descent. Knowing his work, we consider that he was possibly the greatest clockmaker of ... |
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| Kjellberg, Pierre: Art Deco Cette nouvelle version du "Mobilier Art Déco"- publié pour la première fois en 1981 - reprend l'essentiel des textes des éditions précédentes, y compris le chapitre sur les paquebots ajouté ... |
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| Duncan Phyfe: Master Cabinetmaker Duncan Phyfe (1768-1854), known during his lifetime as the 'United States Rage', to this day remains America's best-known cabinetmaker. Establishing his reputation as a purveyor of luxury by desig ... |
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Edenhofer, Rene: Daisy: Lilien-Porzellan Neben Nylons, Wurlitzer und Petticoat prägten die 50er und 60er Jahre auch die pastellfarbenen Teile der Form "Daisy" im Dekor "Melange" von "Lilien-Porzellan". |
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| Bonneville, Francoise de: The Book of Fine Linen Household linens incarnate a complex tradition that spans centuries and an astounding breadth of cultures. They exist in an infinate variety of fibers and weaves and can be adorned with embroidery ... |
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| Perlen aus Glas: Slg. Sode |
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Kunst für Jedermann: Slg. Ehmann |
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| Berg, Thomas: Glaslexikon |
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| Tiffany - Color and Light. The undisputed master of glass, Louis Comfort Tiffany created decorative works of art utilizing colour, light, and texture, forging a unique and spectacular style. |
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Van Cleef & Arpels Some names go hand in hand with a power of fascination. Their influence seems to know no bounds as neither time nor space curb their expansion. Van Cleef & Arpels is one of those names. |
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| Beaucamp-Markowsky, Barbara: Frankenthaler Porzellan 2: Archivalien |
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| The Heritage of 'Maitre Alpais' |
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Intelligible Beauty: Byzantine Jewellery The field of Byzantine jewellery (4th-15th centuries) is a rapidly expanding one and a large amount of important research has been conducted within the last ten years, both by scholars on the cont ... |
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| Salyers, Christopher D.: Vending Machines With our ever-growing desire to eliminate the cashier from the retail equation, "Vending Machines: Coined Consumerism" documents the journey vending machines have made from technologically humble ... |
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| Finlay, Robert: The Pilgrim Art Illuminating one thousand years of history, "The Pilgrim Art" explores the remarkable cultural influence of Chinese porcelain around the globe. |
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