Arte lombarda dai Visconti agli Sforza L'epoca d'oro dell'arte lombarda dal Trecento ai primi del Cinquecento: Medioevo e Rinascimento a Milano e in Lombardia: l'"età dell'oro" della civiltà artistica lombarda, aperta dall'arrivo di ... |
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| Ireland: Crossroads of Art and Design A sweeping survey of the arts of Ireland spanning 150 years and an astonishing range of artists and media. |
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| Oltmann, Olaf: Das Baptisterium von Florenz |
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Sluijter, Eric Jan: Rembrandt's Rivals During the period of Rembrandt's career the Amsterdam art market grew with breathtaking speed. Each painter had to secure a place professionally and make a living, which would have been no small m ... |
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| Herrmann, Christofer: Burgen im Ordensland Preußen |
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| Rogasch, Wilfried: Bayern in 24 Kapiteln |
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Dialog der Meisterwerke 40 ausgesuchte Werke des Städel sowie berühmte Leihgaben aus internationalen Sammlungen - ein Dialog zum zweihundertsten Geburtstag. |
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| The Medici: Citizens and Masters The Medici controlled fifteenth-century Florence. Other Italian rulers treated Lorenzo the Magnificent (1449-1492) as an equal. To his close associates, he was "the boss" ("master of the workshop" ... |
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| Goertz, Hans-Jürgen: Thomas Müntzer Gott ist gerecht, und die Christen sind frei. Thomas Müntzer wollte diese Grundeinsichten der Reformation auch politisch durchsetzen. Dafür schloß er sich dem Aufstand der Bauern an, wurde gefo ... |
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Vogüe, Alexandre de: A Day at Chateau de Vaux le Vicomte With unprecedented access to the château and its gardens, this volume celebrates the property's rich history in this handsome book. |
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| Griffey, Erin: On Display: Henrietta Maria In the early modern period, rulers demonstrated their power and influence through carefully curated "display" - their presence in court ceremonies, their palaces and their contents, and their port ... |
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| Storch, Christina: Wetter, Wolken und Affekte |
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Treffer, Gerd; Brandl, Ludwig: Die Kirche des Heilig-Geist-Spitals zu Ingolstadt |
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| | Goy, Richard J.: Florence: A Walking Guide Through a series of expertly planned walking tours, Richard J. Goy offers a compact, accessible guide to the architecture of Florence, including pertinent historical details on the city's remarkab ... |
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Barock und Rokoko Die Sammlungen des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums zur Kunst des Barock und des Rokoko zählen zu den bedeutendsten in Europa. Internationale Künstler und Kunsthandwerker haben mit ihren Werken Spitz ... |
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| Thornton, Dora: A Rothschild Renaissance Sumptuously illustrated, this book showcases the highlights of the Renaissance treasures bequeathed to the British Museum by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild in 1898. The treasures discussed will inc ... |
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| Chard, Chloe: Tristes plaisirs Chloe Chard assembles fascinating passages from late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century acounts of travel in italy by Northern Europeans, writing in English. The extracts often focus on the ... |
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Reflets d'un tresor disparu |
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| Carter, Martha L.: Arts of the Hellenized East gbdn. The al-Sabah Collection, Kuwait, houses one of the world's most spectacular collections of ancient silver vessels and other objects made of precious metals and gems, dating from the centuries foll ... |
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| Hildesheim im Mittelalter |
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L'age d'or de la peinture a Naples Présentation de l'école napolitaine, une des institutions artistiques les plus originales et les fertiles du XVIIe siècle, de l'arrivée de Caravage jusqu'au triomphe de Solimena. Une centaine ... |
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