Leibovitz: At Work - rev. edition 2024 Annie Leibovitz, our most celebrated living photographer, explains how her pictures are made in this updated edition of her classic text. |
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| Chemical Brothers: Paused in Cosmic Reflection This is the definitive story of 'The Chemical Brothers'. Told in the voices of Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons, with contributions from friends and collaborators, it is fully illustrated with 30 years ... |
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| Depoorter, Matthias: Flämische Meister: Von Van Eyck bis Bruegel Gerade dann, wenn etwas sehr vertraut ist, verliert man leicht aus dem Blick, was es so besonders macht. "Flämische Meister. Von van Eyck bis Bruegel" tritt an, eben diesem "Abnutzungseffekt" ent ... |
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Purpus, Elke; Hesse, Hans: Demnig; ... ein erfolgreicher Neuzugang Anläßlich des 75. Geburtsgtags von Gunter Demnig und des 30. Jahrestags der Verlegung des ersten Stolpersteins bietet das Buch neben einer exemplarischen Auswahl seines künstlerischen Schaffen ... |
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| Georgia O'Keeffe: Fondation Beyeler 2022 Anläßlich einer großen Retrospektive in der Fondation Beyeler widmet sich der begleitende Katalog einer der bedeutendsten Malerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts und herausragenden Persönlichkeit der ... |
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| Francisco de Goya: Fondation Beyeler 2021 - dt. Er ist einer der letzten großen Hofkünstler und zugleich bedeutender Wegbereiter der modernen Kunst - Francisco de Goya. Ihm widmet die Fondation Beyeler eine der umfassendsten Ausstellungen auà ... |
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Courreges, Emmanuelle: Africa: The Fashion Continent Fashion from the African continent has burst onto the world with effervescent vibrancy, inspiring creativity everywhere, from haute-couture to street style. |
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| Hummel: Magische Spiegelungen Johann Erdmann Hummels Werk war in seiner Zeit einzigartig. Kein anderer Künstler hatte raffinierten Spiegelungen, perspek-tivischen Konstruktionen und magischen Beleuchtungen ein solches Interes ... |
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| Calder: Minimal / Maximal Weniger ist Mehr in Alexander Calders grenzenlosem Werk, Mehr aber auch: Der Katalog zur Werkschau in der wiedereröffneten Nationalgalerie sieht aus wie das Calder-Buch, das es schon immer hätte ... |
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Zangerl, Bernd: Bouldering Lift yourself into the world of bouldering and teach the body and mind new extremes. |
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| Schuman, Scott: The Sartorialist Man - dt. Der ultimative Männer-Styleguide von Bloggerlegende Scott Schuman alias "The Sartorialist". |
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| Murff: True Colors "True Colors (or, Affirmations in a Crisis)" is a chronicle of survival by trailblazing artist Zora J Murff. Murff constructs a manual for coming to terms with the historical and contemporary real ... |
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Proof: Photography in the Era of the Contact Sheet A glimpse inside the darkroom - and into the strategies of renowned photographers. |
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| Wilson, Mary: Supreme Glamour * Marrying sumptuous fashion with insightful biography, "Supreme Glamour" charts the glittering story of Motown's most successful act and original pop fashionistas - told by The Supreme's founding m ... |
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| Renoir: The Body, The Senses A revelatory and wide-ranging exploration of Renoir's extraordinary depictions of the nude and their important artistic legacy. |
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Richardson: At Home Famed Picasso biographer and art historian Sir John Richardson opens the doors of residences from his life, revealing an autobiographical sketch through handsomely decorated rooms filled with art, ... |
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| Nolde: The Artist during the Third Reich This trenchant reconsideration of artist Emil Nolde's life and work deconstructs the myths that have surrounded Nolde's legacy until today. |
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| Bertozzi, Nick: Becoming Andy Warhol - paperback |
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A Princely Pursuit: Gutter Collection August der Starke, der 1710 die erste europäische Porzellanmanufaktur in Meißen gründete, ließ für das Japanische Palais, seinem Lustschloß in Dresden, spezielles Porzellan anfertigen. Herau ... |
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| Tancock, John; Tung, Stephanie H.: Ai Weiwei: Beijing Photographs, 1993-2003 An autobiography in pictures: photographs taken by Ai Weiwei that capture his emergence as the uniquely provocative artist that he is today. |
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| Möhl, Adrian: Deutschlands Flora amabilis |
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The Photographer in the Garden From famous locations to the simplest vegetable gardens, from worlds imagined by artists to vintage family snapshots, "The Photographer in the Garden" traces the garden's rich history in photograp ... |
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| Born-Free Born-Free ist das Motorrad-Woodstock, das größte Treffen der Welt für Vintage-Custom-Motorräder. |
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| Berndt, Jerry: Beautiful America. Jerry Berndt documented the period between 1968 and 1980 in America like no other photographer. Personally involved in the anti-Vietnam War activities of the 1960s, Berndt's work combines photojou ... |
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Rolston: Hollywood Royale |
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| Warhol: Adman With the backdrop of 1950s New York and its burgeoning advertising industry, Adman focuses on the formative years of Andy Warhol. |
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| The Horse in Ancient Greek Art This richly illustrated and handsomely designed volume includes over 80 objects showing scenes of ancient equestrian life. |
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| Below Zero Eisfischen, gefrorene Wasserfälle erklimmen, Hundeschlittenrennen fahren: Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, den Winter abseits überfüllter Pisten im Freien zu verbringen, die darauf warten, entdeck ... |
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