Singh: Privacy - new ed. 2025 Portraits of India's unseen elites behind closed doors. |
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| Kenna: Venice Discover Venice anew through Michael Kenna's signature long-exposure photography. |
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| Grazda: Landmarks Landscapes From ancient civilizations to contemporary tourism, Grazda's scapbook of the Four Corners region is a robust portrait of the American Southwest. |
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American, Born Hungary An expansive look at the significant role of Hungarian immigrants in shaping American photographic culture and practice in the twentieth century. |
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| Koudelka: Theatre "Moving among the actors on set, I was able to take the same scene, multiple times, but differently. It taught me how to get the most out of a given situation, and I have continued to apply this m ... |
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| Capa: Icônes Une rétrospective du travail de ce photographe qui a couvert les grands événements de son époque : la guerre civile espagnole, le conflit en Indochine, le Front populaire en France, entre autr ... |
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Probst: Subjective Evidence Mit der zwölfteiligen exposure #1 aus dem Jahr 2000, für die sie sich selbst, laufend auf einem Dach in Manhattan aus zwölf Perspektiven gleichzeitig photographierte, begann Barbara Probst ein ... |
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| Cavalier: Permanent Concern Der Photoband "Permanent Concern" enthält eine Folge von Handy-Photographien, die Cavalier 2021 inden Niederlanden aufgenommen hat. |
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| Angermair, Elisabeth: München im 19. Jahrhundert - Neuauflage 2024 Eine fotografische Die Chronik der rasanten Entwicklung Münchens im 19. Entwicklung vom "königlichen Dorf" zur Metropole: Volksfeste, Kriegs- und Kriegs- und Faschingsumzüge, Künstlerfeste, Ar ... |
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In the Beginning: Kiefer & Photography The first book to consider Kiefer's photography and use of photographs in his wider artistic practice. |
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| Photofile: Susan Meiselas An essential overview of the Magnum photographer's documentary work. |
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| Vier Frauen. Vier Lebensläufe Die Hauptakteurinnen der Ausstellung Christine Stephan-Brosch, Evelyn Krull, Gerdi Sippel und May Voigt sind verknüpft durch das Leben in der DDR und ihre Arbeit als Photographinnen. Die Schau pr ... |
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Esser: Mont-Saint-Michel Das jüngste Projekt von Elger Esser widmet sich einem Höhepunkt der französischen mittelalterlichen Architektur, der Benediktinerabtei Mont-Saint-Michel im Wattenmeer der Normandie. Anläßlich ... |
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| Kingler: Pressefotografin Marga Kingler (1931-2016) war 40 Jahre als Pressephotographin für die Essener Lokalredaktion der Westdeutschen Allgemeinen Zeitung (WAZ) tätig und galt als photographische Institution in Essen. ... |
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| Holzknecht: Micheldorf While exploring the society he grew up in, Elias Holzknecht ended up in the village of Micheldorf by chance. He became increasingly aware that no form of representation could do justice to the com ... |
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Sultan & Mandel: Evidence - new edition 2024 The canonical 1977 American photobook returns to print in a new, definitive edition that most closely resembles the original. |
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| Okamura: Les souvenirs des autres During the Troubles, the struggle for independence that lasted from 1969 to 1998, Northern Ireland attracted a large number of foreign photojournalists who came to document the events. Some of the ... |
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| Burtynsky: Extraction / Abstraction Burtynky's sweeping photographs of natural and industrial landscapes bring the limits of our resources into harsh relief. |
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| Gregory Crewdson: Albertina 2024 - englisch For more than three decades, Gregory Crewdson has been luring viewers into the worlds of his cinematic, highly detailed, and assiduously crafted photographs. This retrospective catalog features im ... |
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Werner: some and difference "Gegenstand der fotografischen Arbeit sind die Tänzer:innen und der Choreograf Richard Siegal des Ballet of Difference am Schauspiel Köln. Im künstlerischen Prozess der Tanzproduktion verschmel ... |
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| Winter: Free Air Clark Winter's photographs explore Robert Frank as a sculptor rather than a photographer. |
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| Virtual Photography How can virtual photography enable us to conceive memory, identity, and subjectivity anew? A discussion about its ontological and epistemological modalities. |
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Parks: Herklas Brown and Maine, 1944 Parks' chronicle of small-town Maine anticipates his profound images of civil rights and inequality. |
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| Wolf/Du Bois: Hong Kong Whispers This book contains a stunning series of photos showing the vibrant global city of Hong Kong. Wolf's photographs are displayed in dialogue with the acerbic and ambiguous drawings of Arpaïs Du Bois ... |
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| Frank: London/Wales - Reprint 2024 The precursor of "The Americans" contrasts economic strata on the other side of the Atlantic. |
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