Sarchi, Alessandra: Antonio Lombardo Il volume, concepito come monografia con catalogo delle opere e regesto documentario, ripercorre la carriera e il percorso artistico dello scultore Antonio Lombardo (1460? - 1516) tra Venezia e Fe ... |
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| Roethlisberger, Marcel: Liotard: Catalogue. Source et correspondance This is the first exhaustive monograph dedicated to Jean-Etienne Liotard, the principal Geneva painter. The authors have previously published many articles on the theme. The book discusses the lif ... |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 599.00 | |
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| Disch, Maddalena: Paolini: Catalogo ragionato 1960-1999 This Catalogue Raisonné documents Giulio Paolini s oeuvre from 1960 to 1999, with the exclusion of works on paper, prints, multiples and theatre sets. For various publishing reasons late 1999 was ... |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 350.00 | |
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Lannoy, Isabelle de: Henner: Catalogue raisonne "This long-awaited publication of the work of one of the most celebrated painters of the Third Republic is the first to place his output in its historical perspective. The many previously unpublis ... |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 188.00 | |
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| Vanoli, Paolo: I Ligari Il catalogo, realizzato in occasione della prestigiosa mostra organizzata nella duplice sede di Milano e Sondrio, illustra, attraverso un ricco apparato iconografico e testi di valenza scientifica ... |
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| Novelli, Maria Angela: Scarsellino Paragonato con Paolo, si conosce che lo stile del Veronese è come il fondo del suo; ma che il suo è un diverso; misto di veneto e di lombardo, di patrio e di esterno, figlio di un intelletto ben ... |
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Garton, John: Grace and Grandeur: Veronese Portraits Once regarded as Venice's best portraitist, his talents in this genre unfortunately remain largely unknown to modern audiences. This book offers the first comprehensive study of the approximately ... |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 129.00 | |
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| Nora-Milin, Veronique: Carriere: Catalogue raisonne de l´oeuvre peint |
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| The Picasso Project: Youth in Spain I |
Werkverzeichnisse EUR 148.00 | |
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Bertrand-Dorléac, Laurence: Villegle, Politique. Catalogue thematique affiches lacerees Ce nouveau volume du catalogue raisonné thématique de Villeglé concerne les affiches lacérées politiques collectées entre 1950 et la fin des années 90. 300 oeuvres sont reproduites. |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 129.00 | |
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| Mayer-Michalon, Isabelle: Charles Meynier 1763-1832 |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 120.00 | |
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| Calle, Bob: Boltanski's Artist's Books The catalogue raisonné of the 78 artist's books published by Christian Boltanski between 1969 and 2007, with an introduction and commentaries by Bob Calle, plus additional anti-counterfeit details. |
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Melotti. Catalogo generale della grafica |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 149.00 | |
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| Lenz, Christian: Purrmann, Aquarelle + Gouachen Das Oeuvre der Aquarelle und Gouachen Hans Purrmanns umfaßt über 400 Katalognummern; die ersten nachweisbaren Blätter datieren in Purrmanns Ausbildungszeit, das letzte legte er noch 1965 in Lev ... |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 198.00 | |
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| The Picasso Project: Youth in Spain II |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 148.00 | |
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Signer: Projektionen. Super-8-Filme + Videos "Projektionen" zeigt erstmals an die dreißig Videofilme zwei Super-8 Filme zeitgleich in allen verdunkelten Sälen des Helmhaus Zürich. Sinnfällig wird dabei Signers Umgang mit Zeit, mit Bewegu ... |
EUR 14,95
EUR 65.00
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Werkverzeichnisse EUR 49.90 | |
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| Steiner: Das malerische Werk |
Werkverzeichnisse EUR 129.00 | |
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Hanspeter Hofmann. Bonheur automatique The life of Basel-based artist Hanspeter Hofmann (born 1960) seems to be a romantic artist's biography: trained as a natural scientist, he turned to quasi-alchemical experimentations as processes ... |
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| Grass: Catalogue Raisonne 2: Lithographien |
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| Alechinsky: Affiches Das Werkverzeichnis der Plakate Pierre Alechinskys. |
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FERDINAND BRÜTT 1849-1936 Ferdinand Brütt war zu Lebzeiten bekannt als Genremaler des modernen bürgerlichen Lebens. Die Ausstellung ist die erste Retrospektive seit dem Tod des Künstlers 1936 und bietet einen umfassende ... |
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| Liebsch, Thomas: Stefano Torelli |
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| Jaeger, Roland: Bargheer: Malerei in Glas + Stein |
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Quick, Michael: George Inness: A Catalogue Raisonne Widely regarded as one of the greatest American landscape painters, George Inness worked professionally for fifty years, from his first appearance at the annual exhibition of the National Academy ... |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 394.00 | |
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| Baldelli, Francesca: Tino di Camaino Werkverzeichnis des sienesischen Bildhauers (1280/85 - 1337). |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 398.00 | |
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| Pisano, Ronald G.: Chase: Portraits in Oil This highly anticipated book presents the entire collection of Chase's known portraits in oil. Each is gorgeously reproduced, and many are published in color for the first time. This is the second ... |
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Schinkel Lebenswerk 20: Bild-Erfindungen Die erste umfassende Monographie zu Schinkels Malerei, Zeichnung und Druckgraphik, ein Gebiet seines Schaffens, das bisher wenig Beachtung fand. |
Werkverzeichnis EUR 168.00 | |
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| Matthias Faller: Barockbildhauer |
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| Neubert, Michaela: Franz Joseph Spiegler 1691-175 Umfangreich bebilderte Monographie mit kritischem Werkkatalog. |
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