PICTOPLASMA.: Pictoplasma: Characters in Motion DVD Features: animated vector, action figures, puppets dolls & objects, freehand drawing & streetart. |
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| BASEMAN, GARY.: Baseman: Strong Stuff. Herakles |
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| DAWBER, MARTIN: Dawber: Pixel Surgeons |
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| Progressive Direct Mail Invitations - Greetings - Promotion. |
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| CHEMIAKIN, MIHAIL.: Chemiakin: The Magic Nut The "Magic Nut" documents the creation of the first original ballet production at St. Petersburg's fabled Mariinsky (Kirov) Theater in some twenty years. The book leads the reader through the ball ... |
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Brown/Harris: Pop-up Aesop |
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| | PIPES, ALLEN.: Pipes: Production for Graphic Designers |
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OSTERWALDER, MARCUS.: et del amode, caricaturistesrs 1511 artistes de tous pays, chacun represente par une reproduction, sa biographie et sa bibliographie / Index des illustrateurs, caricaturistes et affichistes et surtout index des auteurs et des o ... |
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| 2Tone: Vision Warping Patterns |
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| CARTER, DAVID A.: Carter: One Red Dot A stunning tour de force by David A. Carter, the creator of the bestselling Bugs in a Box books. Each of the ten magnificent pop-up sculptures challenges the reader to find the one red dot. From t ... |
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Boutros, Mourad: Arabic for Designers With more than 200 examples of the best in contemporary Arabic typography and graphic design, "Arabic for Designers" is an illustrated primer on how to work with Arabic and understand and respect ... |
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| JASON.: The Leftbank Gang |
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50 Years Lufthansa Design |
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| Wainer, Howard: Graphic Discovery |
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| Oberstebrink, Christina.: Oberstebrink: Gillray James Gillray (1756-1815) war der führende Karikaturist Englands. Anhand seines Werks findet Christina Oberstebrink zu einem neuen Verständnis der Gattung Karikatur. Ihr Buch leistet durch seine ... |
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ZURSTIEGE, GUIDO.: Zurstiege: Kritik und Faszination Werbung ist eine Projektionsflche kollektiver Mentalitäten, sie ist eine mächtige Sozialisationsinstanz und ein unverzichtbarer Wirtschaftsfaktor. Sie ist angesichts der zunehmenden Kommerzialis ... |
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| Schreuders, Piet & Kenneth Ful: Avati: Paperback Art James Avati (1912-2005) is regarded as the pre-eminent painter of paperback covers in the second half of the 20th century. He was known in the business as the "King of the Paperbacks". Avati desig ... |
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| BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE.: Comic 08: Burroughs - Tarzan |
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Abdullah, Rayan: Piktogramme und Icons Die beiden Autoren führern dem Leser mit diesem Buch ihre umfangreiche Sammlung verschiedenster Piktogramme vor und weisen damit nicht nur Qualitätsunterschiede nach, sondern geben vor allem auc ... |
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| GLASER, JESSICA & CAROLYN KNIG: Knight: Effective Visual Communication How visual relationships of type, image and color can create hierachies to engage and sustain the readers' interest. Practical exercises illustrate basic priciples, essential design cinsiderations. |
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| STOKLOSSA, UWE.: Stoklossa: Blicktricks. Eine umfangreiche Sammlung aktueller Beispiele aus verschidenen Gebieten der werblichen Graphik wird in in diesem Buch mit fundierten und gut strukturierten Texten zu Themen wie visuelle Wahrnehmu ... |
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THE WORLD ON SUNDAY Joseph Pulitzer's New York World flourished at the turn of the twentieth century, and out of it grew what we think of as the modern daily paper. The World was famous for muckraking and sensational ... |
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| Warp: Labels Unlimited Since its foundation in 1989, Warp Records has become a synonym for futuristic adventures in sound and vision. WARP tells the story of how a small Sheffield dance label grew to foster an internati ... |
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| Baines: Penguin by Design By loooking at seventy years of Penguin paperbacks, Phil Baines charts the development of British publishing, book-cover design and the role of artists and designers in the creating of the Penguin ... |
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PETERS, ROBERT L.: Peters: Worldwide Identity This inspirational book showcases over 300 identities from around the globe and explicates the process of identity design by defining both the Brief and the Solution. This book's clear and concise ... |
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| WOOLMAN, MATT.: Woolman: Type in Motion 2 It has been six years since the publication of the internationally successful Type In Motion, the first book to present an overview of animated digital typography. Six years is a long time in the ... |
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| Smidswater: Dutch Graphic 1970-2005 Based in The Hague, Smidswater is one of the first design bureaus to be founded in the Netherlands. Over 35 years it has undertaken many distictive and exciting assignements in the fields of strat ... |
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