Bonnard to Vuillard: Intimate Poetry An invitation to the colorful, dynamic world of the Nabis, a circle of Post-Impressionist avant-garde artists whose members, including Bonnard and Vuillard, celebrated both everyday life and the d ... |
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| Jacobs, Helmut C.; Preyer, Nina: Goyas Caprichos |
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| Impressionismus: Sammlung Ordrupgaard |
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Pologne 1840-1918 Panorama de la peinture polonaise de 1840 à 1918, à travers ses plus illustres représentants. |
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| Foreman, Amanda; Peter, Lucy: Queen Victoria's Buckingham Palace |
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| Racknitz, Joseph Friedrich zu: A Rare Treatise on Interior Decoration and Architecture This volume translates and examines a rare conspectus of architectural and decorative taste published at the very end of the 18th century and also includes reproductions of the original colour pla ... |
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Der Orient in der Schweiz Der vorliegende Band untersucht die faszinierende und immer noch wenig bekannte orientalisierende Architektur der Schweiz. |
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| Pop, Andrei: A Forest of Symbols A groundbreaking reassessment of Symbolist artists and writers that investigates the concerns they shared with scientists of the period - the problem of subjectivity in particular. |
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| Im Rausch der Farbe Von Gauguin bis Matisse - rund 70 Meisterwerke der größten Maler der französischen Moderne vom späten 19. bis ins frühe 20. Jahrhundert zeigt das Musée d'Art moderne de Troyes erstmals in ei ... |
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Lubrich, Oliver; Möhl, Adrian: Humboldt: Botanik in Bewegung Alexander von Humboldt als Begründer einer neuen Sicht auf die Pflanzenwelt: ein bisher wenig beleuchteter Aspekt mit einzigartigem, zum Teil erstmals gezeigtem Bildmaterial. |
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| Pechtl, Willi: Wanderjahre: Fotografie im alpinen Raum |
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| Lloyd, Christopher: Impressionist & Post-Impressionist Drawings An authoritative analysis of the drawings (including watercolours and pastels) of twenty leading Impressionist and Post-Impressionist artists in one magnificent volume. |
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Townsend, Joyce H.: How Turner Painted A detailed examination of Turner's painting techniques, offering both insight and inspiration for the contemporary practitioner. |
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| Foto.Buch.Kunst Während die Photographie heute fast jede Art von Publikation dominiert, gerieten die Ursprünge dieses Zusammenwirkens in Vergessenheit: Der Weg des Photos ins Buch gestaltete sich lang und war v ... |
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| Souvenir Suisse Der Winterthurer Maler, Zeichner und Radierer Johann Ludwig Aberli (1723-1786) erfand in den 1760er Jahren die handkolorierte Umrißradierung, eine klug gewählte Kombination von Druckgraphik und ... |
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Thomas, Sarah: Witnessing Slavery Gathering together over 160 paintings, watercolours, drawings and prints, this book offers an unprecedented examination of the shifting iconography of slavery in British and European art between 1 ... |
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| Skea, Ralph: Art Essentials: Impressionism |
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| Hülk, Walburga: Der Rausch der Jahre |
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| Parallels: Vigeland and His Contemporaries Gustav Vigeland (1869-1943) is most famous for the Vigeland Park - a sculpture park - in Oslo. However, it was with his portraits, monuments and small sculpture groups that Vigeland first made a n ... |
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| Ruskin, Turner & the Storm Cloud "Ruskin, Turner & the Storm Cloud" presents new writing on John Ruskin's vision of art and its relationship with modern society and a changing environment. |
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London and the Emergence of a European Art Market, 1780-1820 This collection of twenty-one essays illuminates London's central role in the development of a European art market at the turn of the nineteenth century, when the events of the French Revolution h ... |
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| Goddard, Linda: Gauguin: Savage Tales An original study of Gauguin's writings, unfolding their central role in his artistic practice and negotiation of colonial identity. |
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| Davidson, Hilary: Dress in the Age of Jane Austen A comprehensive and beautifully illustrated examination of dress, clothing, fashion and sewing in the Regency seen through the lens of Jane Austen's life and writings. |
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Bain, Rowan: William Morris's Flowers A beautiful gift book devoted to designs by William Morris that incorporate flowers, a central motif in Morris's oeuvre. |
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