Carter, David A.: Monet: The Pop-up Book Five of Monet's most beloved works spring to life in this vivid and brilliantly engineered collection of pop-up scenes. |
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| Carter, David A.: Monet: Das Pop-up Buch Die wunderbaren Gemälde von Claude Monet entfalten in diesen neu geschaffenen Papierkunstwerken eine dritte Dimension. |
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| 50 Jahre Schrägstrich im Quadrat Im April 1974 stellte die Deutsche Bank ihr neues Logo vor - den bald berühmten "Schrägstrich im Quadrat". Vorausgegangen war ein Wettbewerb, zu dem das Unternehmen acht international renommiert ... |
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Mattanza, Alessandra: The World of Banksy - dt. Der kompakte Banksy: Alle ikonischen Figuren in einem Paket. |
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| Ovenden, Mark: Transit Maps Berlin, New York, Mexiko City, Doha: Eine visuell faszinierende Reise durch 50 der spannendsten Städte weltweit - mit der Metro, S-Bahn, U-Bahn und Tram. 160 Jahre Geschichte des Schienenverkehrs ... |
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| Gangloff: Freinet Techniques "Freinet Techniques" is a project by graphic designer Paul Gangloff. It aims to publish a selection of texts written, typeset and printed by children on the presses of the Freinet schools between ... |
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Yvonne Xu: mù "Mù" is a collection of tales and stories inspired by Wood. |
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| Lo, Kevin Yuen Kit: Design Against Design "Design Against Design" argues for the urgent necessity of critical engagement and political resistance through graphic practice. It draws on insights from the practice of LOKI, a small graphic de ... |
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| Pich, Elizabeth: Fungirl Fungirl ist vor allem eins: unberechenbar! Ihr Verhalten ist unangebracht, vulgär, opportunistich und trotzdem (oder gerade deswegen) überraschend menschlich und charmant. Eine Ode an Screw-ups ... |
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Paula Scher: Works The definitive visual record of the groundbreaking graphic designer and Pentagram partner, Paula Scher. Published by Unit Editions, the 522-page book presents the most extensive monograph of Scher ... |
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| | Owens, Matt: A Visible Distance Part personal memoir and part professional manual by Matt Owens, "A Visible Distance, Craft, Creativity, and the Business of Design" is a reality check to challenges when building a practice in gr ... |
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We Are Here: Street Art Catalogue de l'exposition dévoilant les installations de treize artistes, parmi lesquels Obey, Invader, Swoon ou encore ADD FUEL, dessinant un parcours vers une salle où sont accrochées 161 oeu ... |
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| al-Ali: A Child in Palestine - paperback 2024 The first collection by the leading Palestinian political cartoonist. |
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| ZDF TV+Design Von den frühen Programmplakaten bis zu den dynamischen Interfacedesign-Lösungen der Gegenwart: Hier wird zum ersten Mal eine umfassende Untersuchung der reichen Designgeschichte des Senders vorg ... |
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Chastanet, Francois: Cholo Writing Cholo Writing is the 20th century's oldest form of graffiti, a Mexican-American phenomenon evident in Los Angeles long before the appearance of tags and pieces in the late 1960s in New York. |
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| Futuria: Art of the Sci-Fi Age A collection of art and illustration featuring cyberpunk inspiration and influences that will appeal to fans of science fiction and pop culture. |
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| Thomas, Angela: Bill: Constructive Clarity Max Bill (1908-1994) was a painter, sculptor, architect, graphic designer, typographer, product designer, curator, collector, professor, and public figure. "Constructive Clarity: Max Bill and His ... |
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Tropical Reading: Photobook & Self-Publishing "Tropical Reading: Photobook and Self-Publishing" illustrates the photography practitioners and artist collectives from each city in Southeast Asia, examining why they chose to get into self-publi ... |
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| Diagrams of Power We draw diagrams to help us think, communicate, and put forth what we think is important or what we want to be true. While some diagrams are seen as statements of fact, they can also further agend ... |
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| Ehrhard, Dominique: Bycicles: Pop-up Book The newest pop-up book from renowned paper engineer Dominique Ehrhard artfully traces two centuries of bicycling history and lore. |
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Slanted Issue #43: Ukraine Das Slanted Magazine #43 widmet sich der ukrainischen Designszene. Trotz der Unmöglichkeit, Studios wie in den vergangenen Ausgaben des Slanted magazine vor Ort zu besuchen, halfen umfangreiche K ... |
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| Röttel, Ronald: Verpackungen der Literatur Warum Verpackungen und Oberflächen für die Literatur so wichtig sind - medienästhetische Perspektiven auf Cover, Buchumschläge und Layout. |
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| Phenomena A vibrant infographics book made for lovers of science, geography and extraordinary discoveries to better understand the infinite richness of the world. Zoology, botany, astrophysics, seismology.. ... |
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Shaughnessy, Adrian: Lubalin: American Graphic Designer - new edition 2024 Available again, a major monograph on the legendary US typographer and graphic designer Herb Lubalin (1918-1981). "Herb Lubalin: American Graphic Designer" features hundreds of examples of Lubalin ... |
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| Did, Marijam: Everything to Play For The inside story of video games, and how they can be used to change the world. |
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| Carlsson, Benke; Louie, Hop: Street Art Cookbook - 2nd ed. 2024 The complete DIY bible of street art is back in print by popular demand. |
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Emigre Fonts: Type Specimens 1986-2024 A 1.500-page compendium containing nearly five decades of remarkable print ephemera from a trailblazing digital type foundry. |
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| Bieler, Charly: HR Giger: Die frühren Jahre Die Kindheit und Jugendzeit des Alien-Schöpfers HR Giger in Photographien und Dokumenten. |
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| Rohde: You Loved An Image Charlotte Rohde (geb. 1992 in Aachen) ist eine der stilprägenden Gestalterinnen ihrer Generation. Als Künstlerin, Typographin und Autorin untersucht sie, wie Schrift als Schnittstelle zwischen i ... |
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