Hieber, Lutz; Urban, Andreas; Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Mus ...: Natur ist Kultur: Landschaft und Gärten |
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| Protestbereitschaft In jüngster Zeit rücken die ästhetischen Zeugnisse der Protestkultur des 21. Jahrhunderts in den Fokus der Historikerinnen und Historiker, eine umfangreiche kulturwissenschaftliche und auch kü ... |
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| Queer Graphics From the 1950s on, LGBTQI+ communities in Brussels have developed a visual language ensuring a certain visibility for their members and their activities. This visual grammar translates and communi ... |
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Wirkus/Pries: We Are Millenium Stars "Ein Europa der Gemeinsamkeiten ist, was uns am Herzen liegt und worin wir auch eine zukunftsfähige Perpektive sehen. Von diesen Gemeinsamkeiten erzählen auch die umfangreichen Korrespondenzen ( ... |
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| Teller: i need to live Throughout his 35-year career, Juergen Teller has been renowned for his non-conformist style, defying expectations with a unique combination of seriousness and self-irony, creating authentic narra ... |
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| Wüst: Wandern in Geschichte Die scheinbar lapidaren, höchst präzise komponierten Bilder von Ulrich Wüst sind Ergebnis langer visueller Wanderungen in gegenwärtigen Orten der jüngsten Geschichte. |
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Woven Histories: Textiles & Modern Abstraction Published on the occasion of an exhibition curated by Lynne Cooke, Woven Histories offers a fresh and authoritative look at textiles - particularly weaving - as a major force in the evolution of a ... |
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| Women Dressing Women Exploring the enduring impact of fashions created by and for women, this book traces a historical and conceptual lineage across more than 70 female designers- from unidentified dressmakers in eigh ... |
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| Trésors du royaume de Lotharingie Tout en abordant les événements les plus importants de l'histoire de ce royaume carolingien, ce catalogue en révèle les courants artistiques. Héritières directes des inventions des artistes ... |
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Varda: Director's Inspiration A visual tribute to Agnès Varda's three lives as a photographer, filmmaker and artist, with previously unseen archival materials, texts and personal reflections from Jane Birkin, Martin Scorsese, ... |
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| Munari: the artist As a designer, artist, pedagogue, graphic designer, Bruno Munari is renowned for having helped to foster the permeability of the frontiers between artistic languages which during Modernism were re ... |
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| Ono: Music of the Mind - englisch paperback A lavish publication with new research and writing on world renowned Japanese multi-media artist, singer, songwriter and peace activist, Yoko Ono (born 1933). Accompanying a survey exhibition at T ... |
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Sassen: Phosphor Tracing a career of more than thirty years, this celebration of the prodigiously talented Dutch photographer includes vibrantly colored portraiture, landscapes, still lifes, abstract compositions ... |
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| Rauch: The Dream of Reason The first major exhibition dedicated to the artist in France shows works from the early 1990s to the present day, including his famous monumental paintings as well as smaller formats and a wide se ... |
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| Klimt: Kirche in Unterach am Attersee |
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Giacometti: Annette en plus infiniment Alberto Giacometti rencontre Annette, fille d'instituteur qui fait des études de secrétariat, en 1943 à Genève. Le couple se marie six ans plus tard. Dès lors, la jeune femme devient la muse ... |
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| Le Paris de la modernité 1905-1925 Un panorama de l'effervescence et de la créativité qui anime Paris durant les années 1905-1925. A travers la mode, la photographie, le cinéma, la peinture, la sculpture, le dessin mais aussi l ... |
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| gugging inspiriert.! bowie bis roth David Bowie, Christine de Grancy, Christopher Kane, Peter Pongratz, Arnulf Rainer, Johann Rausch, Gerhard Roth. |
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Kiefer: La photographie au commencement Ensemble d'oeuvres (tableaux, sculptures, installations, livres, accumulations et clichés) à travers lesquelles le plasticien interroge la révélation par l'image. Elles témoignent de la place ... |
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| L'Île intérieure Catalogue de cette exposition qui confronte les visiteurs à des mondes flottants hors de toute géographie et temporalité connues tout en présentant des installations, par exemple celle d'Agnie ... |
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| Grete Ring: Kunsthändlerin der Moderne Die Ausstellung veranschaulicht die entscheidende Rolle der Kunsthistorikerin und Kunsthändlerin Grete Ring (1887-1952) und eröffnet einen neuen Blick auf die Kunstszene der Weimarer Republik. S ... |
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Fulterer Scherrer: blingbling |
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| Leiter: The Centennial Retrospective Marking the centennary of Saul Leiter's birth, a full retrospective spanning the life and work of the genius photographer and artist. |
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| Bohemian Glass: The Great Masters The new exhibition at Le Stanze del Vetro is organized in collaboration with the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague and is dedicated to Bohemian glass after the Second World War, featuring the wo ... |
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| Franz West - privat Dieses bemerkenswerte Projekt war eine Initiative von vier Sammlern aus Wien, die in einer ehemaligen Galerie im Zentrum Wiens aus ihren Beständen sehr persönlich ihre eigene Franz West-Ausstell ... |
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