Dreyfus, Pauline: Chanel No. 5 - dt. Es gibt wenige Parfüms, die auf eine vergleichbare Erfolgsgeschichte zurückblicken wie Chanel No. 5, "Die Essenz der Weiblichkeit". Zur Abrundung ihrer Mode für die moderne Frau schuf Coco Chan ... |
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| Ganni: Gimme More This debut monograph from Danish fashion brand GANNI documents Scandi 2.0 style, a growing global community of confident, unapologetic women and the unending pursuit of building a responsible fash ... |
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| Leibovitz: Wonderland Legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz's surprising account of her encounters with fashion over five decades. |
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Silk: Fiber, Fabric, and Fashion Im seidigen Einband bleiben gut 500 reich bebilderte Seiten keine Antworten schuldig über die Kulturgeschichte des edlen Textils. Strukturiert nach Herstellungsverfahren, ist diese grundlegende S ... |
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| Tom Ford 002 16 Jahre nach seinem Beststeller "Tom Ford" widmet sich der lange erwartete zweite Band des US-amerikanischen Designers seinem eigenen 2005 gegründeten Label. Das luxuriöse, nachhaltig gedruckte ... |
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| Dazed: 30 Years Confused Celebrating 30 years of Dazed's boundary-pushing storytelling at the forefront of youth culture, this book reveals the past, present, and future of Dazed through its bold cover designs and manifes ... |
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Achtung No. 41: Wahnsinn Wannsee Eine emotionale Collage, komponiert aus neun Stunden Film und 3000 Screenshots. Eine Momentaufnahme, eingefangen in blendender Bewegung und gleißendem Licht. Eben wie jene verschwommene Erinnerun ... |
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| Koolhaas/Prada: Source Books in Architecture No. 14 Among the topics discussed in the book are the long-standing relationship with Prada and how the early objectives in that relationship have both maintained and shifted. |
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| Bongrand, Caroline: Vuitton: L'audacieux With access to previously unpublished information, the author tells the story of the founder of the world-famous luxury French luggage and travel goods company, Louis Vuitton. |
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Johnston, Amanda; Hallett, Clive: Fabric for Fashion. The Swatch book The timeless classic in a new, revised edition with 142 sample fabrics to convey not only their aesthetic, but also their texture and surface feel. |
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| Dior: Designer of Dreams Published on the occasion of the retrospective staged at the Brooklyn Museum, this new title chronicles the history of the House of Dior from 1947, when Chris-tian Dior heralded the birth of a new ... |
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| Mida, Ingrid; Kim, Alexandra: The Dress Detective This accessible book provides readers with the tools to uncover the hidden stories in garments, setting out a carefully developed research methodology specific to dress, and providing easy-to-use ... |
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Ware Dirndl: Austrian Look von Franz M. Rhomberg Das Textilunternehmen Franz M. Rhomberg verband seit den 1930er Jahren das Dirndl mit einem Markenimage und kreierte damit eine Ware, die sich touristisch international, aber zugleich volkskundlic ... |
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| CinéMode par Jean Paul Gaultier Les robes de Marilyn Monroe ou de Brigitte Bardot, le short de Rocky ou le justaucorps de Superman, costumes et haute-couture s'exposent à la Cinémathèque française dans un parcours tout en mà ... |
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| Ferragamo: Shoemaker of Dreams In this exciting volume, Salvatore Ferragamo traces his life's adventures from his origins as a village shoemaker to founding what would become a major global fashion brand. |
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Block, Elizabeth L.: Dressing Up How wealthy American women - as consumers and as influencers - helped shape French couture of the late nineteenth century. |
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| Hess, Megan: Dior: The Illustrated World Discover the key moments of Dior's fascinating life and iconic items from the fashion world that he created. Dior's love of flowers, creativity, femininity and good-luck charms were woven into eve ... |
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| Marino: The Architecture of Chanel A celebration of the wonderful creative intersection between the architecture of Peter Marino and the aesthetic of fashion-house Chanel - a behind-the-scenes look at the buildings designed by Mari ... |
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Reinvention & Restlessness: Fashion in the Nineties Gut 20 Jahre sind die 90er erst her, und schon mehrere Revivals haben sie wiederbelebt. Dieser definitive Bildband, herausgegeben zu einer Ausstellung des Museums im New Yorker Fashion Institute o ... |
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| Vogue Paris: 100 Years Der 100. Geburtstag der französischen Vogue, gefeiert 2021/22 mit einer großen Retrospektive im Pariser Palais Galliera, ist auch ein Fest stilbildender Modefotografie. Der rotschwarze Prachtban ... |
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| Salva, Bastien: Atours romanesques et modes troubardour Au début du XIXe siècle, les artistes et les artisans européens s'inspirent de la littérature et de l'iconographie du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance pour renouveler la création. De nouveaux v ... |
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Dior and Roses Seit Christian Dior in seiner Kindheit im französischen Granville die Gärtnerei für sich entdeckte, liebte er Rosen. Dieses seidig eingebundene Buch, das zu einer Ausstellung im Musée Christia ... |
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| Lauder: A Beautiful Life "Estée Lauder: A Beautiful Life" showcases la vie en rose of the visionnaire Este?e Lauder, the founder of a cosmetics empire that conquered the world. In this lavish tome, Jane and Aerin Lauder ... |
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| Pochna, Marie-France: Christian Dior: Destiny The House of Dior's official biography reveals the secretive and surprising man who revolutionized fashion, with new insight on his spirituality and relationships and a contemporary perspective on ... |
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Webb, Iain R.: Rebel Stylist: Caroline Baker Caroline Baker is the antidote to high fashion. As the legendary fashion editor of Nova magazine in the 1960s, her style was quite literally cutting-edge. Accompanied with personal commentary from ... |
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