Hollein Calling: Architectural Dialogues Hans Hollein (1934-2014), einziger österreichischer Pritzker-Preisträger und in den 1960er Jahren selbst proklamierter Avantgardist, war zeit seines Lebens ein akribischer Kurator seines eigenen ... |
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| Robbins: The Meaningful Modern Home A collection of nine contemporary homes by architect Celeste Robbins, who imbues her modern designs with warmth and emotion. |
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| Muoto: Holy Highway A collection of texts, projects and images by the Parisian architecture studio on the subject of the highway, the most radical public space ever imagined, but also the most divisive and criticized ... |
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Brandolini, Sebastiano: The House at Capo d'Orso How does a house shape experience? How does architecture establish a practice of living? Architect Sebastiano Brandolini invites readers on a meditative tour of his family's house on the Sardinian ... |
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| Torres Roa, Laura; Álvarez-Builla, Jorge: Lima: Guía de arquitectura This guide contains over 160 works, covering the main styles of architecture in each period, as well as the urban processes that have underpinned the construction of such works, the economic activ ... |
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| Mies van der Rohe: Villa Wolf in Gubin Die Villa Wolf in Guben (dem heutigen Gubin), erbaut zwischen 1925 und 1927, war Ludwig Mies van der Rohes erster dezidiert moderner Bau. Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs und in der unmittelbaren Nachk ... |
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Wruuck, Patricia; Lassenberger, Christoph: Luxemburg: Architekturführer |
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| Masset, Claire: Why We Garden A beautifully illustrated compilation exploring the mystery of what makes us love gardening, via history, science, art and philosophy. |
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| Chivers, Ruth: A Garden a Day An exploration of gardens through the ages and across the globe in 366 daily entries, from the ancient hanging gardens of Babylon to vegetable gardens in space. |
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Wilschut, Hans: Beirut, Epi-Centre Ville "Beirut, Epi-Centre Ville" recalls the aftershock of the explosion that hit Beirut in 2020. The disaster killed 218 people and injured thousands. The devastation was enormous, destroying many home ... |
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| El Croquis 222: David Chipperfield 2015-2023 The magazine presents an overview of eight years in the evolution of David Chipperfield's practice, leading up to his receiving the Pritzker Prize in 2023. It features a diverse range of exemplary ... |
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| SAY Schweizer Architektur Jahrbuch 2023/24 "SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook" wird ab 2023 alle zwei Jahre erscheinen - herausgegeben von S AM Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum (Andreas Ruby) und der Zeitschrift werk, bauen+wohnen (Daniel K ... |
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Extended Urbanisation Urbanisierungsprozesse entfalten sich heute weit über Ballungsräume hinaus und verändern Agrargebiete, Regenwälder, Wüsten und Ozeane tiefgreifend. Untrennbar mit den Ökologien der Erde verb ... |
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| Künstliche Grotten des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts |
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| Ruinen und vergessene Orte Fernab von Romantisierung und Tristesse: Ruinen und Lost Places konfrontieren uns mit Verwandlung von Materie, (Lebens-)Entwürfen und Weltordnungen. |
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Sarajevo: Architectural Guide In this captivating architectural guide, explore 150 landmarks spanning the last century, carefully divided into four enlightening chapters. Immerse yourself in the city's rich cultural heritage a ... |
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| Du Pont Gardens of the Brandywine Valley The Du Pont family is renowned as the first family of American horticulture. This volume celebrates the Du Pont family heritage of land stewardship and horticultural creativity. |
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| artandarchitecture: Transformation Nolde Museum Seebüll Das von Emil Nolde selbst entworfene Wohn- und Atelierhaus Seebüll ist eines der herausragenden Künstlerhäuser der Moderne. Die Neugestaltung des Gebäudes durch artandarchitecture stellt den h ... |
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Constructing the Socialist Way of Life Mass housing and urban planning are a key element in North Korea's material foundation. By exploring home culture and daily life, this book aims to capture the actual life of North Koreans, who ha ... |
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| Winking Froh Architekten: Nachkriegsmoderne Weiterbauen Dem Hamburger Architekturbüro Winking Froh Architekten ist es mit der Sanierung und Ergänzung der denkmalgeschützten Hochhausensembles auf der Spiegel-Insel (1963/69) und an der Esplanade (1959 ... |
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| Architekturpsychologie Perspektiven 1 Was können wir aus der Forschung über die Wirkung von Architektur auf Gesundheit und Erleben der Menschen lernen? Wie vermitteln wir die interdisziplinären Erkenntnisse heute und morgen? In die ... |
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Oase 116: The Architect as Public Intellectual Architects as intellectuals in the public domain: How can architects contribute to solutions to social challenges related to climate change, mobility issues, housing, healthcare and migration? |
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| Spatial Planning in the Netherlands The Netherlands was made by humans. Cities, polders, the landscape and even nature reserves have all clearly been shaped by man. The country's planned development is as unique as it is famous. Thi ... |
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| In/formal Marketplaces Informality is on the rise like never before: Its transformative power can be seen in the new ways we produce, consume and live. From nomadic labour to online services and from street food kitchen ... |
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