Marks, Andreas: Hiroshige's One Hundred Famous Views of Edo A landmark book presenting the early "deluxe" versions of Hiroshige's Edo prints for the first time! |
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| Candahashi, Hermann: Die Geschichte des Katanas Das Katana, ein Symbol für die japanische Kultur und Kampfkunst, ist nicht nur ein einfaches Schwert, sondern ein Spiegelbild der Geschichte, Philosophie und Handwerkskunst Japans. |
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| Jackson, Anna; Yamada, Masami: Mode et estampe japonaise Présentation de plus de 200 estampes réalisées notamment par Utamaro, Kunisada ou Keisai Eisen, issues des collections du Victoria and Albert Museum, et témoignant de la représentation des mo ... |
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Backman, Michael: Malay Silver and Gold Important new research into highly collectable Malay silver. Hundreds of items photographed and catalogued, many from private collections never before published. |
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| McKillop, Beth; Portal, Jane: Precious Beyond Measure: Korean Ceramics This is a captivating, richly illustrated history of the use of fired clay in Korea, spanning ancient times to the present day. Drawing on the latest research from Korean scholars, Precious beyond ... |
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| French, Howard W.: Afrika und die Entstehung der modernen Welt In dieser fesselnden Darstellung erkundet Howard W. French die zentrale, aber absichtlich vernachlässigte Rolle Afrikas und der Afrikaner bei der Entstehung von Wirtschaftssystemen und politische ... |
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Townsend, Camilla: The Aztec Myths The essential guide to the world of Aztec mythology, based on Nahuatl-language sources that challenge the colonial history passed down to us by the Spanish. |
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| Présences arabes Une série d'études sur les trajectoires artistiques en France de plus d'une centaine d'artistes originaires de pays arabes, entre 1908 et 1987. |
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| Picture Worlds This abundantly illustrated volume is the first to explore the painted pottery of the ancient Greek, Moche, and Maya side by side. |
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Mingei: Art Without Heroes Originating in Japan in the 1920s, the Mingei movement was based on the principle that beauty is inherent in handmade, everyday objects created by anonymous craftspeople. Spearheaded by the philos ... |
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| Corbey, Raymond: Death and Display During funerals of nobles in the Kuba kingdom visitors used to theatrically offer so-called bongotols to the deceased and the mourning family. These highly appreciated valuables were either positi ... |
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| Askari, Nasreen; Askari, Hasan: The Flowering Desert - rev. edition 2024 This is a revised second edition of the best-selling book which incorporates new and additional material on the majority of the objects as well as an expanded glossary which will be of interest to ... |
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Sammeck, Marina: Reise ins bekannte Fremde Japanische Holzschnitte und ihre Popularität im Westen - wie die "ukiyo-e" ihre Berühmtheit erlangten. |
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| Made in Japan: Farbholzschnitte Rund 100 der schönsten Druckgraphiken aus der Blütezeit des japanischen Farbholzschnittes zeigt diese erste Publikation zu einem bislang unbekannten Schatz, einem Höhepunkt der Sammlung des Kup ... |
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| China s Southern Paradise Focusing on the artistic production and cultural impact of the lower Yangzi River delta, an area known as Jiangnan, this volume features more than 200 objects from Neolithic times through the eigh ... |
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Origami Paper: Kimono Flowers This origami paper pack contains 500 high-quality origami papers printed with colourful floral patterns from a variety of Kimono fabrics. |
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| Origami Paper: Rainbow Patterns This origami paper pack contains 200 high-quality origami papers printed with colourful Rainbow Patterns. |
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| Loper, Byriah: Mind-Blowing Kusudama Origami Discover the intricate world of modular Kusudama paper folding! |
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Davisson, Zack: The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Yokai Mysterious demons, ghosts and monsters have haunted Japan for centuries! "The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Yokai" presents 100 of the strangest creatures you have ever seen - from evil demons and te ... |
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| Regime Change: New Horizons in Islamic Art The nine essays in this volume were first presented at the Historians of Islamic Art Association's (HIAA) seventh biennial symposium entitled "Regime Change" and they highlight some of the regimes ... |
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| Hamada, Nobuyoshi: Colors in Japanese Art The Use of Color in Japan's Fine and Decorative Arts From the vibrant reds of traditional kimonos to the serene blues of tarashikomi riverscapes and woodblock prints, Colors in Japanese Art invites you to explore the rich tapestry of Japanese visual ... |
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