| Becker, Vivienne: Sevan Bicakci: The Timekeeper Sevan Biçakçi is a jeweler fit for an Ottoman emperor, encompassing a mastery of traditional techniques largely unseen in contemporary metalsmithing and gem cutting. Now, in a study and celebra ... |
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| Steiner, Wolfgang: Glanzlichter der Raimundsreuter Hinterglasmalerei Vor der Mitte des 18. bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts war der kleine Ort Raimundsreut im Hinteren Bayerischen Wald das Zentrum der volkstümlichen Hinterglasmalerei in Ostbayern. Mehr als 20 Ma ... |
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De Luca, Paola: The World of Farah Khan From jewelry to lifestyle, this unique book is a journey into an aesthetic appreciation of the wonders of nature, art, and culture, as seen through the exceptional life of jewelry designer Farah K ... |
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| Radewald, Ingrid: Stölzl: Pionierin der Bauhausweberei |
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| Raupach, Björn: Gewirkte Lebensfreude |
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Childers, Caroline: A History of Jewelry: Joseph Saidian & Sons Every piece of jewelry tells a story, and none more so than the exquisite pieces in this book, which have passed through several notable owners before arriving at Joseph Saidian & Sons, an antique ... |
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| The Cappellin Glassworks and the Young Carlo Scarpa The exhibition is dedicated to the glassworks run by Giacomo Cappellin between 1925 and 1931. It traces the overall history of the glassworks for the first time, but focuses in particular on the p ... |
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| Meubles à secrets, secrets de meubles A l'occasion de l'achèvement de la restauration par l'Ecole Boulle d'un secrétaire à secrets réalisé par l'ébéniste et orfèvre Martin-Guillaume Biennais (1764-1843), ce catalogue présente ... |
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Ikat: Textiles of the Indonesian Archipelago "Ikat Textiles of the Indonesian Archipelago" offers a comprehensive overview of the profusion of ikat styles found across Indonesia, and is the first detailed reference book on the subject. Here, ... |
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| Bai Ming: The New Language of Porcelain Bai Ming, is one of the most famous Chinese contemporary ceramic artists. |
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| Kugel, Alexis: Pique: Gold, Tortoiseshell and Mother-of-Pearl The volume is dedicated to the art of Pique, created in Naples during the first half of the eighteenth century, a technique that combines remarkable inventiveness, virtuoso skill, and astonishing ... |
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Weinhold, Ulrike; Witting, Theresa: Natürlich bemalt: Farbfassungen "[---] mit bunten Farben eingelassen" - so oder ähnlich lautet in den Inventaren des Dresdner Grünen Gewölbes die Beschreibung einer Reihe von Goldschmiedearbeiten, die zumeist mit Naturalien w ... |
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| Postert, André: Kinderspiel, Glücksspiel, Kriegsspiel |
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| Lacquer Friends of the World Nach fast dreißig Jahren als Direktorin im Museum für Lackkunst verläßt Monika Kopplin die Institution, an deren internationalem Renommée sie maßgeblich mitgewirkt hat, und tritt in den Ruhe ... |
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Thomas Chippendale 1718-1779 The long awaited exhibition exploring the life, work and legacy of Thomas Chippendale. Born in Otley in 1718, he went on to become England's most celebrated cabinet-maker and furniture designer. S ... |
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| Louis-Philippe à Fontainebleau Ce catalogue revient sur les travaux entrepris au château de Fontainebleau durant le règne de Louis-Philippe, entre 1830 et 1848. Il expose notamment les rénovations, les innovations techniques ... |
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| Messinggeräte für den Teegenuß |
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| Langauer, Fritz; Swietly, Ernst A.: The Handmade Carpet This new book is the only title available that shows how carpet making has changed in all traditional rug making nations as well as demonstrating through images of rugs in interior settings how th ... |
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| Stone, Gene; Pulvirent, Stephen: The Watch, Thoroughly Revised "The Watch" is one of the most popular book on vintage and contemporary mechanical watches, appealing to both beginners and experts. In the decade since it was published, the international audienc ... |
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Tracht oder Mode: Sammlung Prött Ist das Tracht oder Mode? Diese Frage gewinnt in der heutigen Zeit, in der traditionelle und historische Kleidung in modernem look and feel wieder en vogue ist, an Bedeutung. Das Deutsche Textilmu ... |
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| Augen-Blicke: Barocke Elfenbeinkunst |
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