Blackman, Cally: 100 Years of Fashion Illustration A visual feast of 400 dazzling images, this is a comprehensive survey of the genre over the last century. The book also offers an overview of the development of fashion, as seen through the eyes o ... |
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| Seling, Helmut: Augsburger Goldschmiede 1529-1868 Über Jahrhunderte hinweg war Augsburg eines der wichtigsten internationalen Zentren der Goldschmiedekunst. Dieser Band verzeichnet auf der Grundlage der neuesten Forschungen die Goldschmiedemeist ... |
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| ECAL: A Success Story in Art & Design This publication recounts and documents, somewhat in the style of a history book, the principle steps, achievements, and teaching principles which have led the Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne fr ... |
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| Der Katalog erschien anläßlich der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2007, auf der die katalanische Kultur Ehrengast war. |
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| Blom, Ina: On the Style Site While the terminology of style has all but disappeared from recent art critical and historical discourse, artistic practice in the last decades has increasingly focused on stylistics of the social ... |
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| Bäuerle, Hannes: Raumproben: Aktuelle Materialien Die in diesem Buch vorgestellten über 120 Materialien werden in ihren unterschiedlichen Anwendungen und Besonderheiten dargestellt und durch innovative Referenzprodukte bebildert. |
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Vellay, Dominique: Chareau: La Maison de Verre Présentation du projet majeur de l'architecte décorateur Pierre Chareau (1883-1950), la maison de verre du docteur Dalsace, rue Saint-Guillaume à Paris qui abrite une habitation et un cabinet m ... |
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| Loschek, Ingrid: Wann ist Mode? Wann entsteht Mode? Wie wird Mode wahrgenommen, wann wird sie akzeptiert oder abgelehnt? Welche Strukturen und welche Strategien liegen modischen Innovationen zugrunde? Mode erklärt sich nicht vo ... |
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| Vervoordt: Timeless Interiors Axel Vervoordt, one of the most original antique dealers today, reveals for the first time the interiors he created for twenty-three private homes in Europe and the United States. |
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Frederick, Matthew: 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School Concise lessons in design, drawing, the creative process, and presentation, from the basics of "How to Draw a Line" to the complexities of colour theory. |
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| Gisela Reschke: Buntpapier |
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| Gartendenkmale in Berlin: Friedhöfe |
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Bodyscape Recent and new experimental designs are continuously questioning the preconceived relationship between body and space from different perspectives. This extensively illustrated publication focuses ... |
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| Finns at Venini / Finnen bei Venini Der Katalog erscheint mit einer deutschen Beilage anläßlich der Ausstellung "Finnen bei Venini: Wirkkala, Sarpeneva und Koskinen auf Murano" im Glasmuseum Hentrich Düsseldorf. 5.4.2008 - 22.6.2008 |
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| London, Joanne Gernstein: Fly Now! Illustrated with images from the Poster Collection of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. |
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StyleCity Europe The ultimate selective lifestale guide for urban pleasure-seakers and savvy business travellers, the bible of European city breaks. |
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| Wolfe, Tom: Mit dem Bauhaus leben Tom Wolfe schildert den beispiellosen Siegeszug einer einst revolutionären Idee und setzt den kargen, unpersönlichen und höchst abstrakten Stil der Bauhaus-Architektur in Widerspruch zur amerik ... |
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| GAST, KLAUS-PETER.: Moderne Traditione In der Einleitung stellt das Buch die Entstehung der modernen Architektur in Indien seit der Unabhängigkeit 1947 dar. Der Hauptteil beschreibt die wichtigen Tendenzen in der zeitgenössischen ind ... |
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Kamphuis, Hanneke: Atmosphere: The Shape of Things to Come Not just another book on architecture and design: Atmosphere invites, encourages and motivates. It goes beyond the basic components of form, colour and material to identify and explore seven atmos ... |
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| Storia del cinema italiano |
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Gerstner: Zu Bösen Häusern gehen Die Monographie zeigt das Werk der Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin Muriel Gerstner, die 2006 als "Bühnenbildnerin des Jahres" ausgezeichnet wurde. |
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| Julie Taymor: Playing with Fire - 3rd ed. |
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| International Design Yearbook 21 In this, the twenty-first edition of the leading international showcase of domestic design, guest editor and acclaimed Spanish designer Patricia Urquiola surveys the best furniture, lighting, tabl ... |
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Votolato, Gregory: Transport Design Transport Design is the first design history to investigate the experience of travel, analysing the vehicle from the passengers and drivers points of view. Gregory Votolato takes us inside a wid ... |
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| Wharton, Edith: The Decoration of Houses Edith Wharton's The Decoration of Houses is an invaluable reference, one of the classic works on interior decoration, and a testament to the enduring style of one of America's greatest writers. Wr ... |
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Bernhard Willhelm: Het totaal rappel Willhelm's body of work is characterized by a grotesque and highly imaginative imagery - a fantasy that appears innocent and childlike, yet is disrupted in a subtle way. Published to accompany a r ... |
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| | Artifact: Essential of Products Obviously, it is about innovative product design that dare to go beyond the conventionality and bring a total havoc to our perception. With brilliant use of form (size and shape), material and col ... |
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