Smooth Operator "Smooth Operator" is a pictorial celebration of that distinctly '70s and '80s breed of man - the Hai-Karate-wearing, lounge-suit-sporting, big-hair-boasting hunk. |
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| Mau: Spectacle A tribute to the art of celebration and ritual: From the dazzling opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games to the surreal circus atmosphere of performance troupes like Cirque du Soleil, from holida ... |
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| Classical Living 26 Beispiele zeitgenössischer Architekten und Innenarchitekten unter dem Label "Classical Living". |
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CATTEAU, CHARLES.: Catteau: Art Deco Ceramics Charles Catteau (1880-1966) was the most versatile and multi-faceted art ceramist of his generation. During the interwar period, he worked as a designer, teacher, chemist and artistic director at ... |
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| Beacham, Richard C.: Adolphe Appia Adolphe Appias Ideen bilden die Grundlage für zahlreiche Innovationen, Anschauungen und Praktiken im Theater, die wir heute als selbstverständlich betrachten; der Mann selbst jedoch und die Schr ... |
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| Clothing as Material Culture In recent years social scientists have become increasingly interested in theories of fashion, but have rarely directly addressed the material qualities of clothing. By contrast, traditional studie ... |
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Kodak: Celebrating the Brand Dieses Buch portraitiert eine Serie von Kodak-Messeständen auf der Photokina 2000, 2002 und 2004 in Köln. Deren Gestaltung durch das Atelier Brückner in Stuttgart beruht auf einer gemeinsamen H ... |
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| A.Maze: People of the Labyrinths The People of the Labyrinths (POTL), the Dutch high fashion label of Hans Demoed and Geert de Rooij, has been creating internationally successful haute couture, independent from prevailing hypes a ... |
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| Disorder in Progress Initiated by Brazilian designer Nando Costa - editor of Brasil Inspired and a key contemporary Brazilian designer - this book compiles original works by both unknown and internationally renowned ... |
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Vyzoviti: Supersurfaces This booklet with the format of a pocket diary, makes clear how the new technique of folding can be applied not only in architecture, but also to industrial, product or textile manufacture. "Super ... |
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| Walter Loos - Wien 2006 Dieses Buch widmet sich einem jüngeren Kollegen von Adolf Loos, dessen Nachlaß das Architekturzentrum Wien seit 2003 besitzt: Walter Loos (1905-1974). Architekt, Möbeldesigner, Bohemien, Emigra ... |
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| Wright, Emma Baxter: Vintage Fashion Sourcebook |
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The Brescia Bugatti "The Brescia" is a book to be treasured by aficionados of the 16-valve Brescia Bugatti. Including previously unpublished Bugatti factory data, this definitive, superbly illustrated book documents ... |
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| BIEHM, MICHEL.: Biehm: Cruelle coquetterie Über eingebundene Füße, japanische und venezianische Schuhe und High Heels, Korsetts und die Wespentaille, den Halsschmuck und die Verzierungen der Lippen und Nasen der Naturvölker, Tätowieru ... |
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| Siemens Industrial Design In der reich bebilderten Publikation, gestaltet von Baumann & Baumann, wird dem fast hundertjährigen Weg der Siemens Design Entwicklung, und damit einem wesentlichen Teil des deutschen Industried ... |
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GENT, L.S.M. DESIGN MUSEUM -: Sipek: Glas, design, architectuur |
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| | Katsuya Iwamoto: Embody Design |
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| | Americans in Paris 1860-1900 For the first time in Britain, this exhibition will look at why American artists were drawn to Paris, what they produced there, and how their art changed. The exhibition includes well-known artist ... |
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WILLIAMS, GARETH.: Williams: The Furniture Machine Contemporary furniture design has enjoyed growing popularity in the last fifteen years, both in Britain and internationally. "The Furniture Machine" looks at the major trends and designers of this ... |
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| Antonio Marras Devoted to one of the most interesting figures on the contemporary fashion scene, this monograph recounts in pictures and words the course followed by Antonio Marras in the development of his idea ... |
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| Dernie, David: Ausstellungsgestaltung Das erste Kompendium zu diesem Gestaltungsbereich. Mit über 40 internationalen Beispielen von Ralph Appelbaum, Atelier Brückner, Casson Man, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, HG Merz Architekten, Imagina ... |
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Jarvis, James: Vortigern's Machine and the Great Sage of Wisdom Der britische Illustrator James Jarvis genießt wegen seiner liebenswert obskuren Charactere und Action Figures weltweiten Kultstatus. 1998 schuf er seine Markenikone Martin für die Kultmodemarke ... |
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| Embroidery: Italian Fashion Entwürfe von Anna Molinari, Antonio Berardi, Blumarine, Dolc e& Gabbana, Emilio Pucci, Etro, Gianfranco Ferre, Kenzo, Marni, Maurizio Pecoraro, Riccardo Tisci, Roberto Cavalli, Valentino, Versace ... |
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| Phaidon Design Classics - 3 vols A three-volume set containing the ultimate selection of design classics, featuring the most innovative and influential products created in the last 200 years: 999 objects selected by a panel of ex ... |
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STEIN, ELISSA.: Stein: Stewardesses |
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| | Claus, Sylvia.: Claus: Harry Rosenthal 1892-1966 Der Architekt und Designer Harry Rosenthal gehörte zu den bedeutenden Vertretern der modernen Architektur der 1920er und frühen 1930er Jahre in Deutschland. Mit der Machtergreifung der Nationals ... |
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