Sample "Sample" presents 100 of the most outstanding fashion designers who have emerged internationally in the last five or six years. Selected by 10 of the most respected figures in the field - a mixtur ... |
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| Holländische Gemälde Städel 1: Bis 1615 Zu den Künstlern die in diesem Bestandskatalog verzeichnet sind, zählen Frans Hals, Rembrandt von Rijn und Jan van Goyen die "Gründerväter" der holländischen Malerei. Weiterhin enthaltene Kü ... |
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| Valle Schuster, Cristina de: Designing Public Toilets |
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FEINEMAN, NEIL.: Feineman: Geek Chic A lively combination of text, design and images. From Zeus to Dr Seuss, from Copernicus to Einstein, from Tesla to Tarantino, from computers to duct tape and from Space Invaders to Star Wars - cul ... |
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| | Vespa: Italian Style for the World A magic carpet for two, a car with two-wheels in the immediate post-war years, the banner of youthful revolt, a passport to modernity; a myth that regenerates without ever doing it wrong, sought a ... |
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Dowdy, Clare.: BuckleyGrayYeoman: To Be Continued "To be continued" takes Buckley Gray Yeoman's novel approach to the world of design and presents it in an accessible and provocative format. To be continued., then, is about fashion, getting your ... |
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| Abdullah, Rayan: Piktogramme und Icons Die beiden Autoren führern dem Leser mit diesem Buch ihre umfangreiche Sammlung verschiedenster Piktogramme vor und weisen damit nicht nur Qualitätsunterschiede nach, sondern geben vor allem auc ... |
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| PAPINI, ROBERTO.: Decorative Arts & Architecture of the 20 Le Arti d'Oggi was originally published in Italy in 1930. This near-facsimile edition of that rare and much sought-after book follows the format of the original exactly, presenting a dazzling sele ... |
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KOHLMAN, LYNN.: Kohlman: Front to Back Lynn Kohlman began as a fashion model in the late sixties, appearing on the covers of all the major fashion bibles, as well as in advertising campaigns for such designers as Yves Saint Laurent and ... |
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| McQUAID, MATILDA.: McQuaid: Extreme Textiles Stronger, faster, lighter, safer, smarter - these are the textiles of tomorrow. From the carbon-fibre composite bicycle frame to the cardiac constraint sock and the Mars Pathfinder landing airbags ... |
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| STOKLOSSA, UWE.: Stoklossa: Blicktricks. Eine umfangreiche Sammlung aktueller Beispiele aus verschidenen Gebieten der werblichen Graphik wird in in diesem Buch mit fundierten und gut strukturierten Texten zu Themen wie visuelle Wahrnehmu ... |
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Latin American Fashion Reader Latin American fashion's recent gain in popularity can be seen most obviously in mass-market ranges throughout the industrialized West. From the tango-inspired dress of Argentina and guerrilla chi ... |
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| BAROVIER MENTASTI, ROSA.: Diageo Glass Collection Questo catalogo presenta una collezione vetraria molti aspetti eccezionale. La collezione Diageo e costituita da centoquarantaquattro calici, bicchieri, ciotole in vetro, che datano dall'epoca del ... |
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| SCHULZ, ANDREAS.: Schulz: Licht Kunst Licht 1 Architektur mit Licht erfüllen, Gebäude in Szene setzen, Raumstimmungen erzeugen: Mit undogmatischen und gedanklich-flexiblen Lösungen entwickelt das 1992 von Andreas Schulz gegründete Lichtpl ... |
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20 Years Dolce & Gabbana To celebrate their twentieth anniversary, Italian designers Dolce & Gabbana feature their most significant fashion moments in this luxurious book. Known for their contemporary fashion with a stron ... |
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| Material Skills The exhibition "Materials Skills" will travel throughout Europe for the next two years. It features the latest materials for architecture and design. In total there are around 100 innovative mater ... |
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| Alfano Miglietti: VIRUSmoda This volume presents meetings with the most important stylists and the most recent generation of fashion designers (Stephan Janson, Liza Bruce, Ann Demeulemeester, Alexander McQueen, Anna Molinari ... |
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Jed Johnson Through a series of essays, project photographs and personal pictures the book traces the influences on his nascent career, his special relationship with Andy Warhol and his magical affect on othe ... |
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| Fäth, Reinhold J.: Rudolf Steiner Design Eine erste vollständige Darstellung der Anregungen und Entwürfe Rudolf Steiners auf dem Feld der Gebrauchsgegenstände. Von Programmzetteln, Verpackungen über Türklinken, Rednerpulte und zahlr ... |
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| Barovier Mentasti, Rosa.: Fuga: Murano Glass Artist A multi-faceted artist from a glass-making dynasty, Fuga created designs for A.V.E.M. - Arte Vetraria Muranese (Murano Art Glass House) that are, as author Rosa Barovier Mentasti writes "extraordi ... |
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ABECASSIS, TALLY & CLAUDINE SA: Abecassis: Barbershops Captures the original kitsch, and sometimes surreal beauty of these fading places. Featuring brilliant portraits, unusual decor and authentic stories. |
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| Schmidt-Garre, Jan: Olafur Eliasson - DVD Ein Portrait des dänischen Künstlers Olafur Eliasson. Der Film gibt eine Einführung in Eliassons Werk und seine ästhetischen Theorien und dokumentiert eine seiner größten Ausstellungen: "Not ... |
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| Forest, Dominique.: Luc et Marjolaine Lanel Luc Lanel (1893-1965) et Marjolaine Lanel (1897-1976) occupent une place singuliere dans les arts decoratifs de la premiere moitie du XXeme siecle. L'orfevrerie de Luc Lanel est assimilee a l'Art ... |
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BONY, ANNE.: Bony: Les annees 30 Die Neuauflage des umfangreichsten Buches über die 1930er Jahre mit den Kapiteln Art Graphisme - Theatre - Musique - Cinema - Litterature - Photographie - Architecture - Decoration, Mobilier, Art ... |
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| BRÜLLS, HOLGER.: Brülls: Ladegast-Orgeln Friedrich Ladegast (1818-1905) gehört zu den herausragenden Vertretern romantischer Orgelbaukunst im 19. Jahrhundert. In seiner 1847 gegründeten Werkstatt in Weißenfels entstanden in sechs Jahr ... |
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| ORSI LANDINI, ROBERTA & BRUNA: Moda a Firenze Firenze, 1539: l'arrivo di Eleonora da Toledo, figlia del vicere di Napoli e giovane sposa di Cosimo de' Medici, porta in citta un clima nuovo. La moda fiorentina, ancora sotto l'influenza del mor ... |
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RAO, PEGGY LANDERS & LEN BRACK: Building the Japanese House Today Len Brackett, rigorously trained as a temple carpenter in Kyoto, has spent decades adapting the ancient Japanese design aesthetic to Western needs. Here he demonstrates step-by-step how both the t ... |
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| Van Cleef & Arpels, reflets d'eternite |
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| Pienkowski, Jan: Haunted House: Anniversary Edition Revisit - if you dare! - one of the best-loved pop-up books of all time, now more gleefully ghoulish then ever with the addition of several spooky surprises. |
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