Verhüllt, enthüllt! Das Kopftuch Ein Stück Stoff steht im Mittelpunkt dieses Ausstellungskatalogs. Es ist um vieles älter als Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Lange vor diesen Religionen markierte das Kopftuch im alten Mesopota ... |
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| Louis Vuitton Fashion Eye Bali: De Briey |
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| Louis Vuitton Fashion Eye Cretto di Burri: Toscani |
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Tracht oder Mode: Sammlung Prött Ist das Tracht oder Mode? Diese Frage gewinnt in der heutigen Zeit, in der traditionelle und historische Kleidung in modernem look and feel wieder en vogue ist, an Bedeutung. Das Deutsche Textilmu ... |
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| Colour in Fashion Illustration |
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| Beatty, Desire Smith: The Fashion Shoe This comprehensive survey of women's fashion footwear, with more than 1,000 photos, includes every type of fashion shoe that has walked through the century, from the 1900s through the early 2000s. |
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Bulgari: The Perfume of Gems A magnificent book on Bulgari's luxury line of fragrances exploring the intimate bonds that connect Rome, the gem roads, and the world of perfumes. |
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| Ultimate Lifestyle Collection for Women |
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| Ferguson, Richard; Thomas, Isabel: Terrific Timelines: Fashion |
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Pantelides, Katerina: sARTorial |
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| Plewka, Karl: Garland: Validated |
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| Cunningham: Fashion Climbing Bill Cunningham was one of the most celebrated hat designers of the 1950s, creating elegant town hats for movie stars and playful beach hats for the summer set. When women stopped wearing hats and ... |
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Vogue x Music A photographic celebration of music and iconic star power seen through the lens of Vogue. |
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| Gnoli, Sofia: Spagnoli: 90 Years of Style A luxuriously illustrated book that captures the evolution of the venerable fashion brand Luisa Spagnoli over the past century. A must-have book for all lovers of Italian style and fashion. |
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| Sherwood, James: Jewelry for Gentlemen The first book of its kind: a dazzling overview of the overlooked art of male jewelry, an increasingly popular requisite of the well-dressed man. Through thematic chapters, works by key jewelers a ... |
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Jacomet, Hugo: The Parisian Gentleman - compact edition A celebration of the craftsmanship and elegance behind the timeless French brands whose rich heritage is the cornerstone of men's style. |
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| Chanel: Women of Singular Beauty Photographer Cathleen Naundorf gained exclusive access to Chanel's physical archives to handpick gowns and photograph them against theatrical backdrops of her own design. The result: a unique book ... |
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| Denham, Carolyn; Field, Roderick: Grundlagen des Nähens |
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| Grace: Thirty Years of Fashion at Vogue - paperback A chronicle of Grace Coddington's formative years at Vogue, now available as a jacketed paperback. |
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| Hasegawa, Yoshimi: Italian Tailoring Italian bespoke tailorig and its key protagonists: a glimpse into the world of Italian tailoring excellence. |
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When Etudes Become Form Études is a fresh and a comprehensive look at a hot fashion-and-art at collective, documenting its evolution into an arbiter of contemporary cool. |
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| Quant by Quant Originally published in 1966, "Quant by Quant" is the hugely entertaining story of Mary Quant's early career and life with husband and business partner Alexander Plunkett Greene. |
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| Dany, Hans-Christian: MA-1: Mode und Uniform "MA-1" ist ein heiterer Spaziergang an den Rändern der Geschichte der gleichnamigen Bomberjacke zwischen Krieg, Subkultur und Mode. |
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François-Campbell, J.: Einfach Kleidung ändern |
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| Racinet: Vollständige Kostümgeschichte Auguste Racinets "Le Costume Historique", ursprünglich zwischen 1876 und 1888 in Frankreich erscheinen, ist eine ungeheuer detaillierte, geistreiche und umfassende Studie über die Geschichte der ... |
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