Mulhearn, Dijanna: Red Carpet Oscars The first and only book to showcase a complete sartorial history of the Oscars' red carpet. |
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| Arent & Pyke Discover Arent & Pyke's distinctive brand of decorative modernism through their experimetal use of unqiue colour and material pairings. |
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| Barsac, Jacques: Perriand: Une architecte en montagne Depuis 1934, l'architecte et designer Charlotte Perriand a mené une réflexion sur les loisirs et l'art d'habiter la montagne. Ces extraits tirés de Charlotte Perriand, l'oeuvre complète décri ... |
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Foley & Cox: Language of Home Incorporating both formal details and welcoming elements, a sophisticated and balanced look tailored to a sense of home. |
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| Tornier, Etienne: Chaplet: Marino Collection Over the last forty years, architect and collector Peter Marino has acquired a remarkable collection of pieces by French ceramicist, Ernest Chaplet. This collection is a precious testimony of a ra ... |
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| Page, Emma J.: London Interiors Inspiring interiors from unique and historic houses in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. |
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Kant: World of Materials New book by top interior designer Eric Kant, focusing on fabrics and materials. |
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| Kaldewei, Gerhard: Linoleum 1860-2020 Folgt man dem Designhistoriker Gert Selle, dann war Linoleum schon um 1900 der Werkstoff, "auf dem die Moderne tanzte" und "vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg der modernste Fußbodenbelag, den es gab". Das ... |
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| Radl, Christoph: Memphis Again A dive into design of the Eighties, through the exciting production of Memphis collective. |
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Edwards, Nina: Pazazz: White Clothing An examination of the complex meanings of white clothing through history. |
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| | Panzert, Alexandra: Das Bauhaus im Kontext Neben dem Bauhaus untersucht die Studie vier weitere Reformschulen - Burg Giebichenstein in Halle, die Frankfurter Kunstschule, die Kölner Werkschulen und die Vereinigten Staatsschulen für freie ... |
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Burkhardt, François: Gestalten François Burkhardt, (*1936), ist Architekt, Theoretiker, Historiker und Kritiker. Er war Leiter des Kunsthaus Hamburg, des Internationalen Designzentrums in Berlin, des Centre de Création Indust ... |
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| Think Big, Shop Small "Think Big, Shop Small" shows shops that present their products with unique design concepts, allowing customers to experience shopping in a new way. |
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| Concrete Jungle Combine concrete s stoicism with luscious vegetative environments and you get to the language of tropical modernism. In continuity with its founding principles from the mid 20th century, today s a ... |
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Mulhearn, Dijanna: Oscars - Glamour auf dem roten Teppich Der rote Teppich bei der Oscar-Verleihung ist viel mehr als fabelhafte Kleider an berühmten Menschen: Er spiegelt die Stile und Werte der jeweiligen Zeit wider und wurde schon in den sechziger Ja ... |
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| Unterstab, Anna: SPOD #12: Design intersektional |
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| Attending [to] Futures Dieser Sammelband zeigt, wie Design als Praxis, Wissensform und Objekt für anhaltende soziale und ökologische Ungerechtigkeiten verantwortlich ist und entwirft alternative Wege zur Erforschung u ... |
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Shlian: Unfolding - paperback A complete retrospective of the paper engineer and artist Matthew Shlian, documenting a decade of unrivalled and unexpected creativity - now published as paperback. |
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| MacIennan, Oliver: Living Wild Explores the lifestyles of families and individuals around the world who have escaped the daily grind to create a new life in harmony with nature. |
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| The Offbeat Sari Explores how the sari has become a site for design innovation, an expression of identity, a form of resistance, and a crafted object carrying layers of cultural meanings. |
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William Burges's Great Bookcase Interweaving art, literature and chemistry, Charlotte Ribeyrol draws on rare archival material to explore the fascinating story of an extraordinary piece of furniture in the context of the Victori ... |
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| Boatlife - dt. Boatlife, das ist wie Vanlife auf dem Wasser. Ab aufs Boot und das Reisen, Arbeiten und Leben, getragen von Wellen erfahren. |
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| Redding: Kids of Cosplay In this bold, surreal photographic celebration of the fantastical beauty of cosplay, 70 cosplayers leave behind their everyday existence and become heroes for a day. |
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