Adamson, Glenn; Adams, Henry: Tagliapietra: Sculptor in Glass This is the most comprehensive monograph available on the work of the greatest living glassblower Lino Tagliapietra and features insightful texts by Glenn Adamson and Henry Adams, as well as hundr ... |
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| Treggiden, Katie: Broken: Mending and repair This new book celebrates 25 artists, curators, designers and makers who have rejected the allure of the fast, disposable and easy in favour of the patina of use, the stories of age and the longevi ... |
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| Maynard, Angela: Natürlich nachhaltige Geschenke |
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Sudjic, Deyan: Pawson: Making Life Simpler This visual biography brings together John Pawson's architecture, life, clients, travel, photography, design, books, and ideas. Written by Deyan Sudjic, an architectural historian and long-time fr ... |
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| Bit of Universe A lavish monograph on the esteemed Spanish jewelry designer, whose work celebrates flowers, nature, and geometry. |
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| Gobbi, Paolo: Royal Oak 39 This book is dedicated to the history of the Royal Oak from 1972 to 2020 from the perspective of collectors and enthusiasts around the globe. |
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Francis-Baker, Tiffany: A Handcrafted Life Cultivating traditional skills and simple approaches to achieving a sustainable - and beautiful - life. |
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| Gloria Cortina An updated illustrated survey overview highlighting the most outstanding projects by the well-established and renowned Mexican interior and furniture designer Gloria Cortina. |
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| Lindbergh: Images of Women II - Sonderausgabe 2023 Weit mehr als Perfektion und Glamour haben Peter Lindbergh immer die Ausstrahlung, Individualität und Persönlichkeit der Frauen vor seiner Kamera interessiert - Qualitäten, die man eher mit der ... |
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Armani / Fiori This book is an important complement to the Armani style, exploring Giorgio Armani s touch for flower composition. |
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| Hellweg, Marion: Feel Good at Home Ein Interior-Ratgeber rund um die Themen mentale Gesundheit, Selbstsorge, bewußter Lifestyle, Achtsamkeit. |
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| Hotel Europa 2 85 neue Geheimtips für einzigartige und charmante Hotels in der Stadt, auf dem Land und am Wasser - empfohlen von der Redaktion des SZ-Magazins. |
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Khezri, Jasmin: Irma's World Wie reise ich stilvoll mit leichtem Gepäck? Wie setze ich in meinem Outfit Farbe ein? Mit ihrer Illustrationsfigur IRMA stellt Autorin Jasmin Khezri vielen Frauen schon lange eine liebgewonnene L ... |
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| Carita: 11 FBG Saint Honoré Paris Founded by the visionary French entrepreneurs Maria and Rosy Carita, the eponymous brand has been the emblem of ultra-premium skincare and exceptional beauty professionalism since 1945. "Carita" i ... |
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| Bellu, Serge: Porsche 911 Der Klassiker in Wort und Bild: Die faszinierende Welt der Baureihe 911. |
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Blanck, Christan: Das Siku-Buch Modellfahrzeuge für Groß und Klein: Kindheitserinnerungen und Spielspaß. |
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| Dior by Sarah Moon An epic visual history of Dior by one of France's most iconic fashion photographers. |
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| Guhl: Denken mit den Händen Als Pionier des modernen Designs schuf Willy Guhl weltbekannte Möbel wie den Eternit Strandstuhl oder den ersten Kunststoffschalenstuhl Europas. In der Tradition der Moderne und gegen den "völki ... |
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Gilroy, Darla-Jane: Fashion Bags and Accessories Covering the latest innovations and trends, including new categories such as wearable technology and natural-fibre leather alternatives, Fashion Bags and Accessories is the ultimate guide to this ... |
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| | Schaal: Bühnenarchitektur 2001-2022 |
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domus 1950-1959 - rev. ed. 2023 Entdecken Sie wie die ultimative Zeitschrift über Architektur und Design die einschneidende Dekade der 1950er begleitete und in einer Zeit der Nachkriegshoffnung und des Internationalismus über ... |
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| domus 1960-1969 - rev. ed. 2023 Diese Neuauflage läßt wiederaufleben, wie domus die 1960er-Jahre begleitete, die von Experimentierlust, Popkultur und neuen synthetischen Materialien geprägt waren. Von futuristischer Architekt ... |
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| Signature Houses This inspiring volume takes readers on a tour of luxurious interiors that showcase the best of Italian design and architecture. |
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Semmelhack, Elizabeth: Bata Shoe Museum Founded by Sonja Bata, the museum is one of the largest shoe collections in the world and is a wonderful source of inspiration for designers across the globe, including Manolo Blahnik, Christian L ... |
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| Marchetti, Simone; Silvestri, Lucia: Bulgari Eden With an encyclopaedic spirit and characteristic flair for colour, Bvlgari reconstructs the myth of Eden in a dream of fine jewellery that becomes a manifesto. |
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| Armani: Per Amore With this book Giorgio Armani the king of Italian fashion and one of the most recognized designers in the world retraces, in his own words, his life, work, and thoughts. Based on the official illu ... |
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