Sudan Retold In Sudan Retold erzählen 31 sudanesische Künstlerinnen und Künstler Geschichte(n) aus ihrer Heimat. Dabei geht es nicht in erster Linie um historische Details, sondern um ein Begreifen histori ... |
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| Objects Recognized in Flashes - engl.* Im Mittelpunkt von "Objects Recognized in Flashes" steht die Auseinandersetzung mit den verführerischen Oberflächen von Photographien, Produkten und Körpern. Es wird hinterfragt, wie es angesic ... |
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| Vertigo: Op Art and a History of Deception 1520-1970 (Mängelex.) Der Katalog präsentiert ein Vexierspiel der Sinne, das von Tafelbildern, Reliefs und Objekten über installative Arbeiten und Erfahrungsräume bis hin zu Film und computergenerierter Kunst ein br ... |
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The Book of Images Das "Buch der Bilder" ist ein Sturm voller Ideen zum Thema Photographie. In welcher Beziehung können Photographie und Kontext stehen? Wie können sie sich gegenseitig steigern und miteinander in ... |
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| Medea muckt auf* "Medea muckt auf" wagt erstmals eine ostöstliche Kontextualisierung der unangepaßten, weiblichen Kunstproduktion in der DDR und schafft eine internationale Zusammenschau von 36 Künstlerinnen. D ... |
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| Heiser, Jörg: Double Lives in Art and Pop Music Why did Andy Warhol decide to enter the music business by producing the Velvet Underground, and what did the band expect to gain in return? What made Yoko Ono use the skills she developed in the a ... |
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Princenthal, Nancy: Unspeakable Acts A groundbreaking exploration of how women artists of the 1970s combined art and protest to make sexual violence visible, creating a new kind of art in the process. |
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| bauhaus | documenta: Vision und Marke Bauhaus und documenta sind zwei global erfolgreiche kulturelle Marken, die für ein weltoffenes, innovatives und modernes Deutschland stehen. Entstanden sind beide vor dem Hintergrund von Zivilisa ... |
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| Producing Futures Surveying the causes championed by feminists in the post-internet era. |
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Tbilisi: It's Complicated Composed of artistic accounts that critically reflect on recent urban and social changes in Georgia's capital Tbilisi, this book unveils multifaceted perspectives on a city trying to negotiate its ... |
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| Mud Muses Taking its title from an installation by Robert Rauschenberg and an essay by science fiction writer Ursula K. Le Guin, the catalogue "Mud Muses" considers how the world over the last half century ... |
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| OnCurating Issue 43: Revisiting Black Mountain The symposium "Revisiting Black Mountain College: Cross-Disciplinary Experiments and Their Potential for Democratization (in Times of Post-Democracy)" asked questions in relation to anti-democrati ... |
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Utopia: Italian Art and Design |
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| Fergonzi, Flavio: Johns: Una nuova superfice |
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| When Home Won't Let You Stay In this timely volume, artists and thinkers join in conversation around the topic of global migration, examining both its cultural impact and the culture of migration itself. In |
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Shunk-Kender: Art Through the Eye of the Camera A photographic treasure recently unveiled: Harry Shunk and János Kender photographed the incredible effervescence of the artistic avant-garde in Paris and New York from the 1950s to the early 198 ... |
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| Romanian Contemporary Art 2010-20 Rumäniens Junge Wilde. |
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| Sharjah Biennial 14: Look for Me All Around You Accompanying Sharjah Biennial 14, this volume provides a generative and global reading on performance. |
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| | Kiss My Genders "Kiss My Genders" celebrates more than 30 international artists whose work encounters entrenched gender narratives. |
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A Live Gathering: Performance and Politics The main question we raise with this book is how performance can be political in present day European representative democracy, a system which no longer draws on the live gathering of people. Seve ... |
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| Casual Loops / Time Squiggles |
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| C.B. McBerny The book was launched with events in spring and autumn 2019 in Manchester and New York and documents an exhibition of the same name featuring almost 70 contemporary artists that originally took pl ... |
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The New Woman's Survival Catalog Art - abortion - child care - health care - books - films - theatre - work - products - marriage & divorce - self-defence. Originally published in 1973, "The New Woman's Survival Catalog" is a sem ... |
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| Vertiginous Data The Fourth Industrial Revolution has arrived, binding our lives ever more tightly to cutting-edge technologie like big data, blockchains and artificial intelligence. Featuring experimental works b ... |
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| Schau, ich bin blind, schau: Slg. Furer Konzeptkunst und neoexpressive Tendenzen sind die Schwerpunkte der Sammlung von Hans und Monika Furer, die in diesem Katalog präsentiert und kommentiert wird. Sie zählt mit ihren rund 200 Werken ... |
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Möglichkeiten des Dialoges |
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| Gatti: In the jungle there is much to do "En la selva hay mucho para hacer"([Im Urwald gibt es viel zu tun) is the story of a group of animals trapped by a hunter and locked up in the city zoo. Missing their little ones and their jungle ... |
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| Bordered Lives Drawing on original documents, photographs, and detainee artwork, this book offers a unique insight into the experience of immigration detention in the United Kingdom. This book introduces the Im ... |
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