Holmes, Val: Experimental Corsets Used for the last 400 years to contort the female body into a variety of fashionable silhouettes, the corset has become a fascinating and hugely popular motif for modern textile artists who wish t ... |
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| Luvaas, Brent: Street Style |
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De La Hoz, Cindy: Audrey and Givenchy "Audrey and Givenchy" is a celebration of their work both onscreen and off, featuring fashion profiles on such classics as Sabrina, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Charade, How to Steal a Million, and per ... |
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| Anne Valerie Hash: Decrayonner Une rétrospective sur treize années de création de la couturière, Anne Valérie Hash, une spécialiste de la coupe déstructurée qui réadapte des codes vestimentaires masculins au service de ... |
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| Scorzin, Pamela C.: Scenographic Fashion Design Die Inszenierung von Mode und Marken ist seit einigen Jahrzehnten ein wachsendes und florierendes Aufgabenfeld für die Disziplin Szenographie geworden. Die in diesem Band versammelten Essays sind ... |
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Semotan: Eine andere Art von Schönheit Anläßlich des 75. Geburtstags 2016 erscheint die Autobiographie der Photographin: Ein Künstlerleben zwischen Paris, New York und Wien. |
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| Phillips, Alexander: Pocket Square The definitive illustrated guide to the pocket square: the essential folds, etiquette and style. |
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| Trois siècles de mode: Fashion Forward Le musée des Arts décoratifs célèbre les trente ans de sa collection de mode. C'est l'occasion de répondre à une attente très forte émanant du public : avoir enfin la possibilité d'embras ... |
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Denim: Fashion's Frontier A wide-ranging and beautifully illustrated history of the fashion associated with the world's most ubiquitous fabric. |
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| Webb, Iain R.: Vogue - Das Malbuch 90 Illustrationen nach Originalphotos aus der Vogue der 50er Jahre. |
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| A vos pieds! Un cheminement à travers les collections de chaussures du Musée des confluences, où sont abordées des thématiques relatives à l'anthropologie culturelle et la sociologie. Les chaussures poss ... |
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Maglieria: Made in Italy Knitwear |
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| Lipstick Flavor A panorama of lipstick from the world of contemporary art photography. Fully illustrated, the book, conceived as a kind of magazine, reveals a story that shows how this feminine symbol has pervade ... |
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| Cohen, Ari Seth: Advanced Style: Older and Wiser This follow up to bestselling "Advance Style" (2012, 1477597) features more senior street style and inspiration from all over the globe. |
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Paul Smith's Cycling Scrapbook A visual celebration of the world of cycling presented through the eyes and personal collection of Britain's most successful and beloved fashion designer. |
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| Fairy Tale Fashion A conceptually innovative and visually stunning investigation of the interconnected worlds of high fashion and fairy tales. |
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| Women in Dior: Portraits of Elegance The Christian Dior museum in Granville pays tribute to women, whether famous or unknown, without whom a couture house would never have existed, and presents a modern and sensitive "haute couture" ... |
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| | Dior und ich Als Christian Dior 1946 in der Avenue Montaigne in Paris sein Couture-Haus eröffnete, ging ein neuer Stern am Modehimmel auf - der auch heute, 70 Jahre später, nichts von seiner Leuchtkraft eing ... |
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| Breward, Christopher: The Suit The Suit unpicks the story of this most familiar garment, from its emergence in western Europe at the end of the seventeenth century to today. For all those interested in the history of menswear, ... |
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| Unheimlich heimisch Der reich illustrierte Essayband lüftet die Geheimnisse des Trachtensaals im Volkskundemuseum Graz fotografisch, in kulturwissenschaftlichen Begehungen und künstlerischen Interventionen. |
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Dali's Moustaches This original and utterly captivating celebration of Salvador Dali's life and career traces the countless, often outrageous, ways the artist employed his moustache to brilliant effect. |
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| Africa Rising Bunt, schräg, jung, elegant, selbstbewußt - das ist Mode und Design aus Afrika. "Africa Rising" zeigt Entwürfe von jungen Gestaltern aus den pulsierenden Metropolen des Kontinents. |
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| Geiger, Hanni: Chalayan: Form follows culture |
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Pettersson: African Catwalk |
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| Godbold, Timothy: Military Style Invades Fashion A virtual pageantry of the many ways in which military styles inspire and influence contemporary fashion. |
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| Issey Miyake Exhibition This impressive volume is part of an exhibition at the National Art Center, Tokyo, in 2016, the first full-scale retrospective to showcase the myriad ideas that have emerged over the course of the ... |
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