Osma, Guillermo de: Fortuny: His Life and Work - new ed. 2015 The most complete book to date on Mariano Fortuny (1871-1949) - painter, etcher, photographer, set designer, reformer of theatrical stage lighting, inventor and designer of furniture and fashion. |
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| Borbonese A luxuriously illustrated book published to follow the historic and elegant Borbonese brand. |
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| Frost: Haircuts of Hackney |
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Donnanno, Antonio: Fashion Patternmaking Techniques 2 |
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| Badgley Mischka This lavish volume is the first to celebrate the designs of duo Mark Badgley and James Mischka, the authorities on the evening dress. |
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| Horvat: Please Don't Smile Schöner Schein mit Seele: Frank Horvats unübertroffene Modephotos - ein begeisternder Überblick, ein Must-Have für Freunde seines innovativen Werks |
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Photographs of Kelly Klein The first monograph to present the diverse photographic work of one of the true icons of American style, Kelly Klein. |
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| Calahan, April: Fashion Plates Prior to the invention of photography, European and American magazines used colourful prints to depict the latest fashion trends. "Fashion Plates: 150 Years of Style" is a comprehensive survey con ... |
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| Dior by Avedon This lavish volume includes 150 iconic and many never-before-published photographs by Avedon, featuring glamorous models and celebrities, including Marlene Dietrich, Suzy Parker, Sunny Hartnett, D ... |
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Sante D'Orazio: Polaroids Sante D'Orazio, Italoamerikaner aus Brooklyn, ist einer der bedeutendsten Fashion- und Beautyphotographen unserer Tage. Nun hat Sante D'Orazio in seine Schatzkiste gegriffen und eine Anzahl seiner ... |
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| Karg, Andrea; Grosswendt, Berit: Cashmere Allude ist eines der klangvollsten Labels in Deutschland. Seit der Gründung 1993 durch Andrea Karg hat das Unternehmen maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, das Material Cashmere mit neuen Designs populà ... |
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| Reichstein, Sascha: Daily Production "Daily Production"beschäftigt sich am Beispiel traditioneller Bekleidung mit dem Verhältnis von Tradition und Erneuerung, kulturellen Eigenheiten und globalen Ökonomien. Wie steht es heute um ... |
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Berluti: At Their Feet This is the first book on the house of Berluti, which has been making shoes for the elegant man since 1895. This celebration of the art of bespoke shoemaking showcases Berluti's most iconic shoes ... |
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| Semburg, Sandra; Heyden, Alexa von: "Guter Typ |
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| Bucher, Gina: Female Chic Die Frauen vom Modelabel Thema Selection und dem dazugehörigen Laden im Zürcher Oberdorf sorgten in den siebziger Jahren für viel Furore in der damals noch gelangweilten Limmatstadt: Während d ... |
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Selmes, Caroline: Ladyscaping |
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| Doucet - Saint Laurent: Vivre pour l'art Jacques Doucet (1853-1929) et Yves Saint Laurent (1936-2008) ont en commun de figurer parmi les plus grands couturiers de la moitié du siècle qu'ils se partagèrent, mais aussi d'avoir été des ... |
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| Textifood "Textifood" the most recent of the "Futurotextiles" exhibitions, will presents fibres made from plant or animal sources, whose non-edible by-products are used to create textiles. |
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Rachline, Sonia: Printemps The story of the iconic Parisian department store from 1865 to today. |
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| Webb, Anthony: East End Fashionistas A photographic portrait of the street style and fashion from one of the most dynamic areas of one of the most creative city's in the world: London's East End. |
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| Knee, Sam: The Bag I'm In Youth subculture in 20th Century Britain is a unique phenomenon. Throughout the decades, young people sought to define themselves sartorially, reflecting their identity in terms of regionalism, cl ... |
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Vries, Femke de: Fashioning Value |
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| Schmelzer-Ziringer, Barbara: Mode Design Theorie Mit ihrer radikalen Entwicklung vom gestalterischen Phänomen zur wissenschaftlichen Disziplin wird an Universitäten die Frage gestellt: Was ist Mode? Dieser Band bietet durch die Zusammenfassung ... |
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| Rublack, Ulinka; Schwarz, Mattheaus: The First Book of Fashion This captivating book reproduces arguably the most extraordinary primary source documents in fashion history. Providing a revealing window onto the Renaissance, they chronicle how style-conscious ... |
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Givaudan: An Odyssey of Perfumes and Flavors For 250 years, Givaudan has created perfumes and flavours of the highest quality, innovating and inspiring trends in scent and taste. Dior, Saint Laurent, and Prada turned to Givaudan to create Ja ... |
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| Sims, Josh: The Details From classic diving watches to the simple pocket square, The Details examines the most important of men's accessories and showcases the pioneering figures of fashion and the key brands behind them. |
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| The Impossible Wardrobe An exquisitely illustrated examination of the influence of fashion, as conceived by Olivier Saillard and interpreted by Tilda Swinton. Impossible Wardrobes documents three groundbreaking exhibitio ... |
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Vuitton: Volez Voguez Voyagez Edited by Olivier Saillard, the distinguished French curator of the "Volez, Voguez, Voyagez - Louis Vuitton" exhibition, this lavishly illustrated catalogue features new and archival photography, ... |
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