Meylan, Vincent: Van Cleef & Arpels From Empress Farah and the secrets of the treasure of Iran, to Queen Marie Amélie's missing emeralds, via Fantômas and the blood-red rubies of the kings of Burma, entering the world of Van Cleef ... |
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| Taylor, Brian; Doody, Kate: Ceramic Glazes The ultimate collection of ceramic glazes and how they were made. |
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| Welker, Manfred: Historische Schlüssel und Schlösser Der wissenschaftliche Bestandskatalog dokumentiert erstmals alle rund 340 Schlüssel und Schlösser des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts, begleitet von jeweils zumindest einer Abbildung. Dem Katalogteil s ... |
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Schürenberg, Sabina B.: Perle für Perle "Da ist zunächst der zarte Glanz, der an changierende Seide erinnert, ja, noch deren Schimmerreichtum übertrifft, wenn besonders feine Perlen von den unwahrscheinlich geschickten Händen der Str ... |
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| Woven Languages: Ikat Textiles |
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| Sammlerglück: Fayencen Sammlung Amelung |
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| Williamson, Paul: Medieval Ivory Carvings 1200-1550 The V&A's collection of ivory carvings from the period 1200 to 1550 is one of the most important in the world, and this is the first catalogue of it to be published since 1929. Together with the e ... |
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| Beretti, Giuseppe: Maggiolini: Catalogo ragionata Giuseppe Maggiolini (1738-1814), himself a marquetry-maker (intarsiatore), was the pre-eminent cabinet-maker (ebanista) in Milan in the later 18th century. |
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Going for Gold This book examines the art of the gold box in 18th and 19th century Europe. Distinguished international scholars explore the contributions made by individual workshops in major European centres of ... |
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| From Ashgabat to Istanbul |
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| Rings: Hashimoto Collection To commemorate Kanshi Hashimoto's 2012 donation of 870 pieces of jewelry from the Hashimoto Collection, The National Museum of Western Art is showcasing around 300 of the 760 rings in the collecti ... |
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Barock und Rokkoko im Hirschberger Tal |
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| Veldhoven, Leonhard van: Mayet Morbier Comtoise |
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| Porzellan für die Welt Bd.I. 200 Jahre Porzellan der bayerischen Fabriken |
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Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin |
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| | Mellor, Maureen: Pots and Tiles of the Middle Ages Twenty-two vessels and over thirty tiles or panels of tiles are illustrated with full descriptions by Maureen Mellor. |
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Mattusch, Carol C.: Enduring Bronze Ancient bronze statuary provides a sense of immediacy, a window directly back to the classical world. The wistful expression of a young Roman woman, the fixed jaw of a politician, and the tensed m ... |
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| Della Valle: Jewels and Myths Famed for his appreciation of rare and unusual gemstones, Michele della Valle is unquestionably one of the leading jewellers at work in the world today. His idiosyncratic style pays tribute to his ... |
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| Dentro il Palazzo 1: Vestire i palazzi |
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Des comme Dior Un album de photographies prises en très gros plan de presque 60 dés à coudre décorés appartenant au personnel de la maison Dior. Le texte d'Élisabeth Vedrenne revient sur l'histoire de cet ... |
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| | Berthouville Silver Treasure and Roman Luxury This elegantly produced book unveils an ancient treasure to modern-dayreaders. |
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Dolls' Houses from the V&A Museum of Childhood The beautifully illustrated book celebrates some of the best-loved doll's houses from the V&A Museum of Childhhod and accompanies the exhibition "Small Stories: Doll's Houses and History of the Ho ... |
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| Ziegler: Cosmic Debris Der norwegische Schmuckkünstler Reinhold Ziegler legt mit seinen Objekten eine gelungene Neuinterpretation des Schmuckbegriffs vor und setzt damit die in Aftermath of Art Jewellery begonnene Disk ... |
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| Eitzenhöfer: Schmuck Die vorliegende Publikation ist eine abwechslungsreiche Werkschau der außergewöhnlichen Künstlerin Ute Eitzenhöfer, die es versteht, über das Medium Schmuck gesellschaftsrelevante Fragen zu s ... |
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Jesch, Maria-Luise: Wenn Möbel erzählen |
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| Lambton, Lucinda: Das Puppenhaus der Queen Das Puppenhaus der Queen ist das größte, schönste und berühmteste Puppenhaus der Welt. Es wurde in den frühen 1920er Jahren von dem berühmten Architekten Sir Edwin Lutyens für Königin Mary ... |
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| Young-Sánchezs: Cartier in the 20th Century Created with the expertise of Cartier Heritage, this exquisite book showcases the rich holdings of the Cartier Collection and archive. It features not only a sumptuous array of rings, bracelets, n ... |
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