Richter: Bibliographie In langjähriger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gerhard Richter Archiv, Dresden, hat Heinrich Miess dieses umfassende und vollständig illustrierte Verzeichnis sämtlicher monothematischer Publikationen v ... |
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| Von Bonnard bis Klemke: Slg. Schütz Die Liste moderner Künstler, die sich auch dem Buch gewidmet haben, läßt keine Größe aus: Sie reicht von Manet, Picasso und Matisse über Slevogt, Kirchner und Barlach bis hin zu Grieshaber, ... |
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| Wood & Harrison: a book, obviously Conceptual and performance artist duo John Wood and Paul Harrison have been working together since they met at art school in 1993. They apply their minimal aesthetic and deadpan, tongue-in-cheek h ... |
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a: A Novel In the early 1960s, Andy Warhol set out to turn the novel into pop art, "a", the first book he wrote, is the result. |
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| Diversion Artists: Asad Raza, Liberty Adrien, Arhun Aksakal, Sophia Al-Maria, Shane Anderson, Carina Bukuts, Keren Cytter, Manthia Diawara, Emily Dickinson, Dan Graham, Rufus Hale, Catalina Imizcoz, Prem Kr ... |
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| The Youngest Day Artists: Nancy Buchanan, Jedediah Caesar, Fiona Connor, Tacita Dean, Thomas Demand, Fred Eversley, Morgan Fisher, Aaron Fowler, Nikita Gale, Piero Golia, Alexandra Grant, Mathew Hale, Margaret Hon ... |
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Horvitz: Nostalgia 3 This project is about erasure. Memory. Forgetting. Data. Archives. Etcetera. |
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| Breme: Shop Window Shopping In ihrer Publikation kontextualisiert Antonia Breme ihre Skulpturen und Installationen mit Material aus historischen Fachzeitschriften für Schaufensterdekorateurinnen und -dekorateuren wie auch P ... |
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| Vardag: Speicher Bezeichnet der Begriff "Speicher" ursprünglich einen Aufbewahrungsort für Getreide und Vorräte bildet Nadim Vardags Künstlerbuch Erkenntnisprozesse nicht nur zu Etymologie und Semantik, sonder ... |
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Sottsass: Monumental Architecture A series of drawings by the iconic Italian designer. |
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| Cramer/Epaminonda: The Infinite Library: Books 1-50 Begun in 2007 by artists Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda, The Infinite Library is composed of an archive of over 100 books made through the recombination of pages from one or more found ... |
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| Giller: Productions The structure of a 1982 Cinderella sticker album formed the basis for Lenard Giller's "Productions", exploring the tension between mass media, memory, empty frames and fulfilling time. Originally ... |
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Bialobrzeski: Sarajevo Diary |
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| Homma: Real Estate Opportunities "Real Estate Opportunities" continues Japanese photographer Takashi Homma's homage series to the influential American artist Ed Ruscha. Ruscha's original "Real Estate Opportunities" series was pub ... |
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| Pedroletti: The city, the island Alice hat verschiedene Themenbereiche in ihrer künstlerischen Praxis und lang andauernden Forschung untersucht: Inseln, Boote, Archive, Kartographie, Architektur, Schreiben. Diese Publikation ist ... |
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Burr: Torrington Project (Northwest Corner) |
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| The End of Books Between 2019 and 2022 the authors Alberto Vieceli and Sebastian Cremers collected more than 2.000 images of bookends. The diversity of books calls for a certain order. How we order something also ... |
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Dumas: Cycladic Blues This cahier is a visual sketchbook for an exhibition by Marlene Dumas at the Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens, in dialogue with the museum's collection. Although the exhibition has been postponed ... |
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| Wegman: Writing by Artist While he's famous the world over for his instantly recognizable images of Weimaraner dogs, William Wegman has long been one of Conceptual art's true innovators. Filled with previously unknown and ... |
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| Schappert: Waiting for Nothing Das Künstlerbuch "Waiting for Nothing" zeigt Abbildungen von 94 Zeichnungen mit Ölfarbe auf Papier (jeweils im Format 51 x 44 cm). Es handelt sich um eine Auswahl aus einem Konvolut von nahezu 1 ... |
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| Messmann: trübgrünlichgelb |
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| Katz: The House of the Seven Gables Alex Katz illustrates Hawthorne's classic gothic tale of Puritan New England. |
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Nagtzaam: Present For this publication Nagtzaam made compositions with frames, lines, dots, bars, scribbles, numbers, and pictures, all scanned from magazines and books in the library of the Laimun artist-in-reside ... |
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| Leporello No. 07: Karl Holmqvist Listed leporello links linguistically lean language. For Leporello N° 07, Karl Holmqvist performs a session of Language Yoga; the artist's highly subjective take on concrete poetry. |
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| Ruiz: NY Apples and Pears |
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Lacroix: The wrong man So desperately dull, frustrating at times and while he does have a clear message, the message itself is grounded in a violent hatred. |
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| Cendrars, Blaise: Léger: La Fin du monde - Faksmile Gallimard legt mit diesem Faksimile eines der Meisterwerke in der Geschichte der Malerbücher des 20. Jahrhunderts vor, das 1919 im Verlag von Jean Cocteau erschien und in 55 Kapiteln die Apokalyp ... |
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| Selichar: The Double You Series "The Double You Series" basiert auf der gleichnamigen Werkgruppe von Günther Selichar, die in den Jahren 2020 bis 2022 enstanden ist. Statt Text enthält das Künstlerbuch Bilder von Wörtern. Es ... |
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