Dior: The Little Dictionary of Fashion "It's 60 years since Christian Dior invented "the new look" - here's some of his straight-talking advice that still holds true." In Style |
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| Hesse-Honegger. Art on Silk |
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| Watson, Linda: Vogue Fashion |
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Rey, Daniel: Caftani The book is conceived as a journey through the art of Moroccan fashion, a book that retraces the history of caftans by presenting the collections by Tetouan, Féz, Rabat and Salé: caftans that re ... |
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| Skin and Bones - London 2008 In the last 25 years the separate worlds of architecture and fashion have become increasingly intertwined, creating intriguing connections. Sharing of materials, design methods and fabrication has ... |
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| Breaking the Mode: Contemporary Fashion A kaleidoscopic and provocative survey of the works of forty stylists who redefined fashion during the final decades of the twentieth century. |
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Sarfati: Fashion Magazine Following the success of the Fashion Magazines edited by Martin Parr, Bruce Gilden and Slec Soth, Magnum Photos now entrust the creation of the fourth edition to the acclaimed photographer Lise Sa ... |
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| Dolce & Gabbana: Diamonds & Pearls Breathtaking, provocative and daringly glittery: a new book on Dolce & Gabbana with photos by the celebrated Viennese photographer Guenter Parth. The relationship between fashion and photography ... |
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| Gluckman, Dale Carolyn: Kubota: Kimono as Art The first major book on Japanese textile artist Itchiku Kubota, whose work has been shown all over the world, published to accompany the important exhibition at the San Diego Museum of Art. |
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Pavitt, Jane: Fear and Fashion in the Cold War From the bikini to the space-suit, vinyl radiation outfits to high-tech jewellery, this book explores attitudes to the body and clothing during the "Cold War" period of 1945-70. Set in the context ... |
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| Gillow, John: Indian Textiles The first ever all-compassing survey of textiles from every region of the Indian subcontinent, including Pakistan and Bangladesh. |
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| Golbin, Pamela: Valentino: Themes + Variations On the occasion of his last collection, presented in Paris in the spring of 2008, this landmark book celebrates Valentino's remarkable career. Published in association with a prestigious exhibitio ... |
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| Ludwig, Reinhold: Schmuck-Design der Moderne Erstmals wird die Entwicklung des modernen seriellen Schmuck-Designs von der Nachkriegszeit bis zu den ersten Jahren des 21. Jahrhunderts dokumentiert. Diese eigenständige Richtung im Schmuck m ... |
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| Yves Saint Laurent: Style - engl. This retrospective is the first to cover the forty years of Yves Saint Laurent's fashion house and highlights the inventive character of the designer's work. Over 160 of the best designs and acces ... |
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Schick und Schril: Modische Extravaganzen / Hannover Goes Fashion Modische Extravaganzen im Spiegel der Modegraphik - von der Illustration bis zur Karikatur - von 1800 bis heute. Das Katalogbuch dokumentiert nicht nur die unglaubliche Phantasie beim Erfinden imm ... |
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| Udale, Jenny: Mode Design Basics 02: Textilien + Mode Dieser weitere Band der Reihe "Mode Design Basics" widmet sich ganz und gar der unglaublichen Bandbreite von Textilien und Materialien der Modebranche. Wie werden Stoffe entwickelt und entworfen, ... |
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| La stanze di Gio Photographische Portraits und Kleider aus der Sammlung des italienischen Models Giovanna Abrate - Giò. |
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Bonneville, Francoise de: Le Gant |
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| Weber, Caroline: Marie Antoinette: Queen of Fashion "In "Queen of Fashion", Caroline Weber's suspenseful, remarkably well-documented, and surprisingly humanizing account of the role style played in Marie Antoinette's fate and legacy, (the author) a ... |
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| Styles, John: Dress of the People This inventive and lucid book sheds new light on topics as diverse as crime, authority and retaling in eighteenth-century Britain, and makes a major contribution to broader debates around consumer ... |
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Mochfiguren 1907 - 2007 Ein Buch zum 100. Geburtstag der Moch Figuren, Schaufensterpuppen aus Köln-Rodenkirchen. |
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| Lord, Francis A.: Uniforms of the Civil War |
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| Jacquemin, Raphael: Medieval and Renaissance Fashion |
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| Giorgio Armani: Milano 2007 |
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Les enrubannes: Hommage au ruban A "narrow textile" that epitomises subtlety and creativity: like the braids and braided laces that are its cousins, ribbon has been a steadily evolving part of the industrial scene in and around S ... |
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| | Kroth, Claudia: Kostüme + Masken im Kölner Karneval |
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