Savoy, Bénédicte: Africa's Struggle for Its Art A major new history of how African nations, starting in the 1960s, sought to reclaim the art looted by Western colonial powers. |
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| Warburg: Lightning Symbol and Snake Dance An almost unknown legacy of the art historian and cultural scientist Aby Warburg are the artefacts he collected on a journey through the southwest of the USA in 1895/96 and donated to the Museum f ... |
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| Liebe, Kriege, Festlichkeiten Geschichten in Schrift und Bildern zu erzählen hat in Japan eine über tausendjährige Geschichte. Wer sich für die Vorfahren der heutigen Manga- und Anime-Meister interessiert (die hier nicht v ... |
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De Jong, Koos: Small China: Chinese Minaitures "Small China" präsentiert chinesische Miniaturen von 5.000 v.Chr. bis ins 15. Jahrhundert. Die handlichen Darstellungen von übernatürlichen Wesen, Menschen, Tieren oder Alltagsgegenständen sin ... |
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| Love, Fight, Feast: Japanese Narrative Art Telling stories through images: Japan's multifaceted narrative art across eight centuries. |
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| Awaken: A Tibetan Buddhist Journey. An innovative and compelling presentation of world-class Tibetan Buddhist art, elucidating its esoteric themes through visual storytelling. |
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Fiktion Kongo Zum ersten Mal werden in einer Ausstellung Objekte und Photographien gezeigt, die der Kunstethnologe Hans Himmelheber 1938/39 aus dem Kongo mitbrachte. Sie stellt die historischen Meisterwerke Arb ... |
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| Congo as Fiction Congolese artists reflecting upon globalized trade, colonialism, proselytization, and virtual boundaries. |
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| Herzog & de Meuron 001 - 500 - broschiert |
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Diamond Mountains: Korean Art A dazzling exploration of the pictorial traditions inspired by Korea s legendary Diamond Mountains. |
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| Demeulemeester, Thijs: Wunderkammer Dieser Band begibt sich auf eine Reise durch acht Jahrhunderte und über fünf Kontinente entlang der Route vielfältigster Wunder-Objekte in den Wunderkammern und Kuriositätenkabinetten der Welt. |
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| The Islamic World: A History in Objects A global history of the Islamic world, told through superb art objects and cultural artefacts dating from the 7th century to the present. |
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Oceania: London/Paris 2018/19 Encompassing artworks drawn from a region that covers a third of the world's surface, from Polynesian atolls to the mountain rainforests of New Guinea, this book showcases the splendours of Oceani ... |
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| Berliner, Nancy: The 8 Brokens: Chinese Bapo Painting A rediscovery and appreciation of an intriguing form of Chinese painting in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that encoded messages about modern society in realistic depictions of fragments f ... |
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Tomb Treasures: Han Dynasty This stunning Chinese art book presents almost a hundred recently unearthed objects that offer a glimpse into the extraordinary wealth and artistic accomplishments of elite society during the West ... |
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| Harrison-Hall, Jessica: China: A History in Objects The history of China - brilliantly told and brought vividly to life through 7.000 years of objects from fine art to the everyday. The book is published to coincide with the reopening of the Britis ... |
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| Suleman, Fahmida: Textiles of the Middle East & Central Asia From the intricate embroidery on a Palestinian wedding dress to the complex iconography on an Afghan war rug, textiles reflect the beliefs, practices and experiences of people from across the Midd ... |
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Herrmann, Georgina: Ancient Ivory An informative and beautifully produced guide to the Nimrud Ivories, one of the world's most spectacular collections of ancient ivory, now largely lost as a result of conflict in the Middle East. |
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| Bahn, Paul; Lorblanchet, Michel: The First Artists Two of the greatest living authorities on Ice Age art take the reader on a journey across the globe and hundreds of thousand of years into the past to discover the deepest origins of art. |
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| Schuman, Aaron; Steele Perkins, Chris: Rodger: Nuba & Latuka George Rodger, Mitbegründer der renommierten Agentur Magnum Photos, ging nach Kriegsende 1945 auf große Tour durch Afrika. Ab 1949 durfte Rodger als erster Ausländer die Nuba nicht nur besuchen ... |
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Frühchinesische Keramik Mit 174 Stücken aus der Zeit zwischen 1050 v. Chr. und 1280 n. Chr. bietet die qualitativ herausragende, bislang unveröffentlichte Sammlung Dr. Heribert Meurer ein beeindruckendes Panorama der F ... |
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| Pharaoh: King of Ancient Egypt |
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| Inro: Gürtelschmuck aus Japan Der reich bebilderte Katalog präsentiert rund 250 Inro aus der Sammlung Anna und Christian Trumpf. Die kleinen, mehrteiligen Behälter für Siegel und Medizin, die mit Hilfe eines Knebels (Netsuk ... |
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Kongo: Power and Majesty This comprehensive study is the first major catalogue to explore Kongo's history, art forms, and cultural identity before, during, and after contact with Europe. Objects range from 15th-century "m ... |
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