Minagawa, Akira: Minä Perhonen The first large format book on the house of Minä Perhonen, one of the most profoundly Japanese of the women's lines to come out of the Tokyo in the last three decades. |
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| Remy, Patrick: Anti-Glossy: Fashion Photography Now Capturing contemporary trends and forecasting the look of the future, this dazzling anthology collects the work of the most cutting-edge photographers working today, this volume is an essential co ... |
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| The Home Upgrade - dt. Mit etwas Phantasie läßt sich ein neues Zuhause entdecken, das in einem noch unscheinbaren Gebäude verborgen ist. |
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Super Buden Wie lebt man am schönsten, funktionalsten, gemütlichsten auf kleinem Raum? Superbuden zeigt die besten Ideen zum Kleiner-Wohnen! |
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| | Jampol, Justinian: Das DDR-Handbuch |
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Bradbury, Dominic: Modernist Design Complete An authoritative survey of the 20th century's defining movement in design and applied arts. |
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| Mouret: Provoke - Attract - Seduce A highly personal journey through the creative universe of the fashion designer who brought us the galaxy dress - the defining look of the noughties. |
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| Born-Free Born-Free ist das Motorrad-Woodstock, das größte Treffen der Welt für Vintage-Custom-Motorräder. |
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Fashion Drive. Extreme Clothing in the Visual Arts |
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| Niquet, Christopher: Models That Matter |
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| Ormen, Catherine: All About Yves - engl. "All About Yves" documents the life of this great designer, from his childhood, to the seminal moments of his career, up until his death in 2008. This one-of-a-kind book includes unseen sketches a ... |
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Fortuny, un Espagnol a Venise À l'occasion de la rétrospective présentée au Palais Galliera, cet ouvrage revient sur la carrière de mariano Fortuny (1871-1949), connu pour la diversité de ses inspirations et ses talents ... |
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| Partners in Design Alfred H. Barr Jr., Gründer des Museum of Modern Art in New York, und Philip Johnson, angesehener Architekt, brachten Ende der 1920er Jahre die Idee des Bauhauses nach Amerika - noch bevor Exilan ... |
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| Englund, Magnus; Fiell, Peter; Fiell, Charlotte: Modern Scandinavian Design A lavishly illustrated and produced complete guide to Scandinavian design from the early 20h century to the present day including chpaters on architecture, furniture, lighting, glass, ceramics, me ... |
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Baden, Baden! Das Badezimmer als Oase im eigenen Heim. Ein Rückzugsort, zwischen Wellness und Funktionalität. |
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| Fiell, Charlotte; Fiell, Peter: 1000 Chairs - updated edition Lehnen Sie sich zurück, entspannen Sie sich, und betrachten Sie einige der kultigsten Stühle der Geschichte: Dieses Nachschlagewerk - ein Muß für Stuhldesignsüchtige und Sitzmöbelsammler - p ... |
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| Items: Is Fashion Modern? An encyclopaedic selection of 111 garments, footwear, and accessories - from humble masterpieces to high fashion - that have had a strong impact on society in the 20th and 21st centuries and conti ... |
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| Mauries, Patrick: Fauna: The Art of Jewellery A glorious selection of jewelry based on the animal kingdom, drawn from the magnificent holdings at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. |
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| Claudia Schiffer - dt. Das Buch über Claudia Schiffer mit Aufnahmen der renommiertesten internationalen Photographen. |
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Mauries, Patrick: Androgyne The first visually led exploration of androgyny, the combination of female and male characteristics, from representations in antiquity to its current prevalence in the fashion world and beyond. |
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| Gura, Judith: Postmodern Design Complete Postmodernism defined the look of 1980s architecture and design. Spearheaded by Michael Graves, Robert Venturi, Ettore Sottsass and Alessandro Mendini, Postmodernism proclaimed the death of modern ... |
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| Gundtoft, Dorothea: Real Nordic Living A unique mix of interiors, recipes, fashion and photography - this smorgasbord of Scandinavian style goes to the heart of contemporary Nordic living. |
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Frankel, Susannah: Jones: Souvenirs A charming chronicle of London milliner Stephen Jones's life and his exquisitely crafted hats that have captured the mood of every fashion "moment" from the eclectic 1980s to today. |
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| Fear & Love "Fear and Love: Reactions to a Complex World" is the museum's ambitious opening exhibition consisting of a series of major new commissions by some of the most innovative practitioners in design an ... |
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| Lucano, Sonia: Interior Inspiration: Scandinavia An all-you-need guide for anyone interested in the history and aesthetic of Scandinavian design, including 30 DIY projects. |
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How to be Chap Tweedanzug, Pfeife, Schirm und Hut, viel schräger britischer Humor und auf keinen Fall Sport - außer Cricket vielleicht: Die britischen Gentlemen von Beau Brummell bis James Bond erobern die Welt. |
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| Ekstrom Extreme Erstmals erzählt vorliegende Publikation die Geschichte des wegweisenden norwegischen Designers Terje Ekstrøm (1944-2013), dessen Entwürfe zur Erneuerung und Unabhängigkeit der norwegischen De ... |
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| Friedewald, Boris: Bauhaus - rev. ed. - engl. Now available in an updated edition, this book examines the tumultuous history of Bauhaus art and design. |
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