Capstick-Dale, Rodney: Art Deco Collectibles The very first guide to some of the most appealing and sought-after examples of Art Deco design. |
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| Mogensen: Möbel mit Format Børge Mogensen (1914-1972) war einer der wichtigsten und einflußreichsten Vertreter des dänischen Möbeldesigns. In mehr als 30 Jahren schuf er eine Vielzahl an Qualitätsmöbeln, von denen ein ... |
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| Godbold, Timothy: Military Style Invades Fashion A virtual pageantry of the many ways in which military styles inspire and influence contemporary fashion. |
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Olivares, Jonathan: Richard Sapper Die erste große Monographie zu Richard Sapper seit den Ausstellungskatalogen "Werkzeuge für das Leben" und "Design", Köln bzw. Hamburg 1993. Zusammen mit privatem Bildmaterial zeigt das Buch ei ... |
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| Velo 3rd Gear velo 3rd gear is a shwocase of todays most covetable biyclyces the latest designs and technologies. Das Angebot reicht vom buntem Single-Speed für den urbanen Hipster, dem Retro-Armee-Rad bis zu ... |
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| Quick, Harriet: Vogue: Schuhe Von Louboutin bis Blahnik: die schönsten Schuhmodelle namhafter Designer in einem luxuriösen Band. |
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agnès b.: l'histoire. A compelling visual tour through 40 years of the emblematic Paris fashion brand. Presenting design sketches, press clippings, photographs byagnes b., and the work of photographers such as Peter Li ... |
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| Martine Sitbon: Alternative Vision. The first book on the highly influential French fashion designer renowned for her rock 'n' romantic style and for reinvigorating the house of Chloé. |
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| Cochrane, Lauren: Fifty Women's Fashion Icons |
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Himmlisch: Sonne, Mond und Sterne im Schmuck |
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| Powell, Pamela: Lingerie Design: A Complete Course In this book, Pamela Powell takes a very practical approach to lingerie and sleepware design, showing how to design and construct lingerie, sleepwear and foundation garments. Step-by-step illustra ... |
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| Ginger, Andrew: Cecil Beaton at Home A private view of the genius of Cecil Beaton reflected through the lens of his town and country idylls, and his passion for interior design, gardening, and entertaining a circle of Bright Young Th ... |
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High Style - paper Published for the first time in paperback, this lavishly illustrated volume originally appeared in 2010 to celebrate the transfer of the Brooklyn Museum's historic costume collection to The Metrop ... |
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| Watson, Linda: Fashion Visionaries Featuring 75 of the world's most legendary designers, this book presents the story of fashion through the fascinating personal lives and innovative collections that have shaped the field over the ... |
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| Bärnthaler, Thomas: Do It Yourself 50 of the world s most exciting designers and visionary artists - including Konstantin Grcic, Rafael Horzon, Hella Jongerius, Sarah Sze, and Ai Weiwei - have devised simple objects that anyone can ... |
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JR: Can Art Change the World? JR ist der "Banksy" unter den Urban Artists, "mixing art and activism, and addressing themes of commitment, freedom, identity and limit" - ein Bilder- und Farbenrausch ohne Anfang und Ende. |
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| Dreyfus, Arthur: Defining Dresses Through 101 groundbreaking dresses - one from each year from 1915 to 2015 drawn from the collection of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris - by iconic and legendary designers, this exceptiona ... |
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| Munari: square circle triangle In the early 1960s, Italian design legend Bruno Munari published his visual case studies on shapes: "Circle", "Square", and, a decade later, "Triangle". Using examples from ancient Greece and Egyp ... |
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The Shopkeepers Der Einzelhandel ist tot - lang lebe der Einzelhandel! Jenseits von Webstores und Supermärkten entstehen weltweit außergewöhnliche Ladenkonzepte mit speziellem Warenangebot, geleitet von kreati ... |
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| Johnston: Lucy; Woolley, Linda: Shoes. A Brief History This colourful book provides an engaging overview of the history of footwear. Shoes and boots that once belonged to wearers male and female, both anonymous and famous, are featured - from battered ... |
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| Amodeo, Cristina: Dogs and Chairs A quirky gift book for dog lovers who love design and design lovers who love dogs. |
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Geschichte der Mode: Vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert Begeben Sie sich auf eine modische Exkursion durch die letzten drei Jahrhunderte. Diese spektakuläre Sammlung des Kyoto Costume Institute, eine der größten Kleidersammlungen der Welt, präsenti ... |
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| Fashion History: From the 18th to the 20th Century Embark on a fashionable excursion through the last three centuries. This spectacular collection of the Kyoto Costume Institute, one of the largest clothing collections in the world, presents outer ... |
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| From Tip to Toe "From Tip to Toe" features a carefully curated collection of brands and makers, as well as a selection of recommended shops from around the world. Some have long and storied histories while others ... |
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Marino, Peter: One Way. Through a selection of paintings, sculptures, photographs, films, and architectural works, One Way: Peter Marino celebrates internationally acclaimed architect Peter Marino's connoisseurship of ar ... |
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| Butchart, Amber Jane: Nautical Chic A glorious celebration of the perennial nautical style, tracing the history of its trends and impact on the clothes we love. |
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| WEGNER: just one good chair (engl. Ausg.). A magnificent monograph celebrating the one hundredth birthday of the great Danish designer. |
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Für den neuen Menschen * Die russische Avantgarde der Jahre zwischen 1910 und 1930 entwickelte das Design aus der Kunst: zuerst das abstrakte Experiment auf dem Feld der Malerei, der Skulptur, des Objekts - dann der nütz ... |
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| Etherington-Smith, Meredith; Clifton-Mogg, Caroline: The Secret History of the Handbag From the reticules of the 18th century to the mesh bags and chatelaines of the 19th century, from Japanese inro to the contemporary desings of today, the history of the handbag is also the social ... |
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| Green, Felicity: Sex, Sense and Nonsense The "Swinging 60s" up close - 60s' style captured in a unique combination of words and pictures from the biggest-selling newspaper in the UK of that magical decade. Award-winning journalist Felici ... |
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