XXX - SEX IN CONT. GRAPHIC DESIGN Sex sells. It is one of the oldest and most effective tricks in the book. The challenge for graphic designers, however, is to incorporate sexuality into their work in ways that are classy rather t ... |
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| | One Show Interactive Vol .IX One show Interactive Volume IX captures a unique moment of the Web. This years edition gathers together the best interactive advertising from the Internet and beyond, including innovations in othe ... |
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Cybercafes Focusing on aesthetically engineered cybercafe establishments, this interior design book presents 30 case studies of notable cafes, including the mobile, modular KH-2 in Tokyo; McDonald's flagship ... |
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| Dorrian, Michael;Farrelly, Liz: Onehundred at 360 Degrees: Graphic Design's New Global Generation Thanks to affordable technology and up-for-it, media-savvy clients, a huge number of designers set themselves up in their own studios, straight from college. The kind of work that results is often ... |
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| Blackley: Blackley: Wallpaper The revival of ornament has seen a resurgence of interest in wallpaper design. Wallpaper is back, but this time it is different. No longer used 360 degrees to cover cracks and imperfections in cru ... |
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Point to the East: Explore Stunning Talents in Asia Never before have so many stunning new talents from the East had such impact and influence on world design as in the past decade. With examples by artists from a variety artistic disciplines and ... |
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| Rummonds, Richard-Gabriel: Nineteenth-Century Printing Practices and the Iron Handpress Nineteenth-Century Printing Practices and the Iron Handpress is encyclopedic in its examination of printing techniques from the late-seventeenth century through the nineteenth century. Using selec ... |
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| CEZZAR, JULIET: PAPER CAPTAIN Die reich illustrierte Hommage an das Modellboot vereint Archivaufnahmen mit farbigen Wiedergaben technischer Grundrisse und Zeichnungen von Schnellbooten und Schleppern bis zu Luxusliner und Kata ... |
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Funk & Soul Covers. Dieses Buch präsentiert über 500 legendäre Cover aus der Goldenen Ära der schwarzen Musik, die die Welt erobert haben. Von Marvin Gaye bis Michael Jackson, von The Temptations bis Earth, Wind ... |
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| Crumb, Aline; Crumb, R.: Drawn Together In Drawn Together, our foremost male-female cartooning couple recall their success at shocking America with Weirdo Magazine, the life-altering birth of their precocious daughter Sophie, and their ... |
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| Living in the Countryside. |
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Future of Erotic Fantasy Art Paul Peart-Smith, author of the acclaimed Act-I-Vate comic One Plus One and a founding member of Les CartoonistesDangereux, presents a stunning collection of thelatest erotic fantasy art from toda ... |
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| Antonelli, Stefano; Marziani, Gianluca: Banksy - Die Kunst der Straße im großen Bildband Eine einzigartige Timelin ... Klappentext Wer kennt nicht den Blumenwerfer, das Mädchen mit dem Luftballon oder das Kind, das alle Superheldenfiguren in den Müll wirft und mit einer Krankenschwesternpuppe spielt? Die ikonis ... |
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| Hartley, Ned: Marvel Museum. The Story of the Comics. |
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Burkeman, D.B.: Art Sleeves. Album Covers by Artists. |
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| Dawson, Peter: The Essential Type Directory: A Sourcebook of Over 1,800 Typefaces and Their ... |
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| Brenot, Philippe: The Story of Sex: A Graphic History Through the Ages. |
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de Lestrange, Aymon: Coca Wine. Angelo Mariani's Miraculous Elixir and the Birth of Modern Advert ... |
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| Joyce, Mike: Swissted. Vintage Rock Posters Remixed and Reimagined. |
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| Draffan, Susie;Huey, Sue: Bag In the huge and ever growing accessories market, handbags have evolved into unique design pieces status symbols that many aspire to own. In the last ten years the trend for 'it' bags, first initia ... |
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| Marvel Year by Year. A Visual History. Updated and Expanded. |
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| Heather, David: DDR Poster. 130 Propagandabilder, Werbe- und künstlerische Plakate von den ... |
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Schantz Johnsson, Tatjana; Bra: Decorating Asia Der Zauber Asiens für Ihr Zuhause! Kreative Inspiration ist Grundessenz, Stilmix das Rezept: Asiatische Elemente sind im Interior Design gefragter denn je, kein Kontinent sonst besitzt diese unve ... |
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| Garelick, Rhonda K.: Mademoiselle Coco Chanel. Chanel s ambitions and accomplishments were unparalleled. Her hat shop evolved into a clothing empire. She became a noted theatrical and film costume designer, collaborating with the likes of Pabl ... |
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| Weidemann, Kurt:: Wo der Buchstabe das Wort führt. Sign. Luxusausgabe. Kurt Weidemann zählt unbestritten zu den bedeutendsten deutschen Typographen und Gestaltern der letzten fünfzig Jahre. Seine ÈAnsichten über Schrift und TypographieÇ sind das beeindruckende ... |
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