Magnum Manifesto - dt. "Magnum Manifesto" feiert den 70. Geburtstag der Agentur mit einer Publikation, die nicht nur - aber natürlich auch - die berühmten Bilder zeigt, die das Magnum-Archiv in sieben Jahrzehnten zu e ... |
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| Westerbeck, Colin: A Democracy of Imagery Colin Westerbeck's criterion in choosing the 100 photographs published here was to seek out underappreciated work by great photographers and great work by underappreciated photographers. These 100 ... |
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| Ballen: Theatre of Apparitions A groundbreaking, immersive new monograph from Roger Ballen, one of the world's most original and critically acclaimed art photographers. |
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Amerikas Cowboys Das wahre Leben der Cowboys in acht Regionen Süd- und Nordamerikas: jenseits von Klischees. |
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| Books on Books #20: Long Live the Glorious May Seventh Directive "Long Live the Glorious May Seventh Directive", published in 1971, is one of the key propaganda photobooks of Chairman Mao Zedong's infamous Cultural Revolution. Illustrated with both color and bl ... |
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| Mocafico Numéro In 1999, pioneering fashion editor and stylist Babeth Djian founded Numéro, the now famous Paris magazine with an unmistakable aesthetic that boldly combines fashion, contemporary art, music and ... |
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Paz Errazuriz From the Pinochet dictatorship to the present day, Paz Errázuriz has created photographs that expose Chile's gritty subculture while skillfully weaving together themes of art, gender, history, an ... |
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| Becker: Staged Confusion In seiner neuesten Serie "Staged Confusion" untersucht Boris Becker unterschiedliche Formen von Chaos in Innen- und Außenräumen. |
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| Bischof: Standpunkt Zum 100. Geburtstag Werner Bischofs erscheint seit Langem wieder eine umfassende Monographie zum Leben und Werk. |
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Photography in America's National Parks To celebrate the centennial of America's National Park Service, "Photography In America's National Parks" brings together some of the finest landscape photography in the history of the medium, fro ... |
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| Bischof: Backstory The first major book in two decades by this enduring Magnum photographer. |
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| Neville: Fancy Pictures "Fancy Pictures" brings together six of Mark Neville's socially engaged and intensely immersive projects from the last decade. He often pictures tight working communities in a collaborative proces ... |
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Freund: Gas Stop In the twentieth century, any American driver or passenger would stop at gas stations at least weekly, and not just for gas. Gas stations were also oases offering food and drink, car repairs, dire ... |
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| Werkstatt für Photographie 1976-1986 - dt. Dies ist die erste ausführliche Darstellung von Geschichte, Einflüssen und Wirkungen der 'Werkstatt für Photographie', die 1976 vom Berliner Fotografen Michael Schmidt an der Volkshochschule Kr ... |
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| Hopper: Colors. The Polaroids. In 1987, Hopper began to use a Polaroid camera to document gang graffiti. He was particularly drawn to the abstract shapes of overlapping paint that appeared when graffiti had been covered up or w ... |
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| Goldberg, Vicki: Davidson: Magnum Legacy Vicki Goldbergs fundierte Monographie über Bruce Davidson geht seinen photographischen Ausdrucksformen und Techniken in ihrer ganzen Bandbreite nach und zeigt, welchen Einfluß Davidson auf die P ... |
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| Brassai Graffiti Les photographies comme les textes de l'artiste dégagent l'invention magique des grands thèmes, qui, de mur en mur, résument toute la vie, la naissance, l'amour, la mort, et dont le "primitivis ... |
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Weidner: Intermissions II |
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| Niedermayr: Raumaneignungen Die Bergwelt um Lech am Arlberg steht im Fokus von Walter Niedermayrs neuester Photoserie, die er in zweijähriger Arbeit realisiert hat. Jeden Winter uniformiert dort die Schneedecke die Landscha ... |
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| Odermatt: Feierabend Following Arnold Odermatt's "Karambolage", "On Duty" and "Off Duty", all published by Steidl, Let's call it a day presents more rediscovered masterpieces by this remarkable selftaught photographer ... |
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| Ruetz: The Family of Dog * With "The Family of Dog", Michael Ruetz has implemented a unique photographic series in the last fifty years which at the same time presents a subtle and enlightening depiction of people and their ... |
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| Seliger, Mark: Christopher Street Transgender Portraits |
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Kras: Ikebana Albums Feminin und farbenfroh: 180 Aufnahmen der angesagten Newcomerin der New Yorker Szene. |
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| The Golden Decade After WWII the California School of Fine Arts (CSFA) in San Francisco hired well-known photographer Ansel Adams to establish one of the first fine art photography departments in the United States. ... |
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| Simon: Rear Views Born in New York in 1975, Taryn Simon is at the forefront of contemporary photography practice. Her artistic medium is based around three equal elements, photography, text and graphic design, whic ... |
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The Photographs of Abraham Lincoln First published in 1911, "The Photographs of Abraham Lincoln" was privately printed by Frederick Hill Meserve (1865-1963), the preeminent historian of the photographs of Abraham Lincoln. It was a ... |
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| Marien, Mary Warner: Photography Visionaries "Photography Visionaries" is an inspiring guide to 75 of the most influential photographers from c.1900 to the present. |
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| Cohen: Walking in the Light "Walking in the Light" is John Cohen's photographic journey towards and through gospel music. From 1954 to 1964 he photographed in the black churches of East New York, on the streets of New Haven, ... |
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