Reis, Dalcacio: Product Design in the Sustainable Era. Design für die Zukunft - über 180 brillant erdachte und elegante neue Produkte, die die Nachhaltigkeit auf zukunftsweisende Art in den Vordergrund stellen |
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| Adler, Dorsey Sitley;Adler, Ro: Swatches: A Sourcebook of Patterns with More Than 400 Fabric Designs |
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| Home Decorator's Tile Bible: A Complete Guide to Using and Choosing Tiles Where this book excels is the layout and color photographs of not only the tiles, but photographs of floors and walls covered with tile. The Tile Bible includes over 800 photos of tile, many of wh ... |
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Dessous / mehrspr. Ein Hauch von Seide, filigrane Spitze, verführerischer Satin. Aus Materialien wie diesen sind Träume gemacht. Obwohl diese Träume meist mehr zeigen als verhüllen, sind sie stets geheimnisvoll ... |
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| Grönwoldt, Ruth: Grönwoldt: Stickereien von der Vorzeit Eine Geschichte der Stickereikunst von 500 v. Chr. bis zur Gegenwart. Die hier vorgestellten 300 Objekte aus dem europäischen Raum, aus Persien, Indien, Japan, China stammen aus dem Besitz des Wà ... |
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| Arrowsmith, Clive: Clive Arrowsmith |
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| Möller, Kathrin: 365 Tage mit Feng Shui Die besten Ideen für Ihr Zuhause! In einem Jahr wohnen Sie wohler! |
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| Borgerson, Janet; Schroeder, Jonathan: Designed for Hi-Fi Living. The Vinyl LP in Midcentury America. |
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Fiell, Charlotte: 1940s Fashion Sourcebook |
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| Fiell, Charlotte: 1920s Fashion. The Definitive Sourcebook. |
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| Fiell, Charlotte: 1930s Fashion: The Definitive Sourcebook |
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Fiell, Charlotte; Fiell, Peter: Chairs. 1000 Masterpieces of Modern Design. 1800 to the Present Day. |
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| Rissanen, Timo (University of Technology Sydney, Australia); ...: Zero Waste Fashion Design |
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| Evans, Emily: The Anatomical Tattoo. |
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Morishima, Yuki; Nii, Rie: Kimono Refashioned: Japan's Impact on International Fashion |
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| Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Rennsportwagen Milestones of Motor Sports, Vol. 2 |
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| Monaco et l'automobile, de 1897 Ã nos jours. |
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| Gods and Kings: The Rise and Fall of Alexander McQueen and John Galliano More than two decades ago, John Galliano and Alexander McQueen arrived on the fashions scene when the business was in an artistic and economic rut. Both wanted to revolutionize fashion in a way no ... |
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| Ryder Richardson, Lucy: 100 Midcentury Chairs and their stories. |
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Essential Modernism. Design Between the World Wars. |
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| Crabtree, Caroline: Quilting, Patchwork and Applique This is the first ever worldwide survey of the wonderfully decorative and allied techniques of: quilting, in which layers of fabric are stitched together, patchwork, in which old or new fabric pie ... |
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| The History Of Cycling In Fifty Bikes. From the Velocipede to the Pinarello. ... |
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Five Centuries of Tapestries. The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Revised and expanded from the original 1976 exhibition catalog by the same author, this excellent work shows the growth of the tapestry collection at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the ... |
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| The Chronology of Pattern. Pattern in Art from Lotus Flower to Flower Power. |
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| Aufbewahrung Aufbewahrungmöglichkeiten für alle Gelegenheiten des modernen Hauhalts. Ein häufiges Problem: Wie bringe ich viele verschiedene Dinge möglichst geordnet unter. Wie kann ich kleinste Ecken nutz ... |
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Pussy & Papers, Poetry Power & Pistols If a T-shirt designer's work has ever begged for a retrospective exhibition and catalogue, then Kevin Lyons is that man. The graphic portfolio represented in this book stretches from 1989 to 2006 ... |
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| Mehlhose, Andrea /Wellner, Mar: Moderne Möbel. 150 Jahre Design. |
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| Print: Fashion, Interiors, Art (M) In fashion and clothing, the book features innovative printed textile designs in haute couture, pret-a-porter, and accessories from companies such as Prada, Issey Miyake, Hermes, and Vivienne West ... |
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